Monday, January 16, 2012


Happy Monday, everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend and are moving right along into a fabulous week! I am thinking the winter has finally arrived in these mountains because it sooooooo cold...but no white stuff YET!!! I am keeping my fingers crossed that there is no horrible weather two weeks from yesterday because I will be on a big bird heading WEST!!!!!

Thanks to each of you for coming by and checking out my little blog! It is always a joy to see you here! I have some SWEET STUFF winners which have been selected by that Mr we go.......

For this SWEET STUFF we have 2 winners to name!!!

57. angelique



And for the little Maggie SWEET STUFF....

The winner is....

manuela who said:

hola jacque! bellissima card, colori gioiosi, proprio quelli che cercavo per questo periodo!Grazie: l'ennesimo regalo da questo blog ricco di idee.Hugs

Ladies, please email me before Wednesday, January 18, at midnight EST so that I can get the packages off to you!!

Big hugs to all...I hope you will come back real soon!!!!


Traci S. said...

Congratulations to each of the winners! Enjoy!


He IS Able!
Traci Starkweather

Maryann Laursen said...

Congratulations ladies, I know, you´ll all have a lot of fun with these prizes no doubt.
Have a great day everyone and lots of fun.

Rosana Garcia Hess said...

congrats to the winners

angelique (anlou) said...

hiya sweetie
whoooooooo hooooooooooooo i've won this gorgeous candy, it's amazing sweetie, i already have send a email, also with a up date of my hubby sweetie
congrats to pendra and manuela to
enjoy hunni's
thank you so much sweetie
hugs and kisses from me to you sweetie

LaJanette said...

Congrats Ladies!

Sol said...

Congratulations Ladies!! Enjoy!! :o)

Rufus said...

Congrats to your lucky winners. Heading WEST, huh? Wonder where you could possibly be going??? Hope that the weather co-operates with you!

Rhonda Miller said...

Congrats to the winners.

Lolô Artesanato said...

Congrats Girls

Ardilla said...

Have fun with your new goodies :)

Sara I. said...

Congrats ladies! Happy Crafting :D

Hlora said...

Congratulations to all the winners!

СВЕТЛАНА said...

Поздравляю выигравших! Всем удачи!

Claudia said...

congrats to the winners

Marion said...

Congratulations to all the winners.

Kizzy said...

Congratulations girls! Have fun with it!
Hugs Kizzy

Anonymous said...

xxxxx Amelia (mimi)

Прозрачная said...

congrats to the ladies***

Pendra said...

Congrats to all! And THANKS to Jacque... I can't believe it, I won one of your "Sweet Stuff"! I'm off to email you my info!!
Thanks hon... I so appreciate it!
Crafty Hugs,

nitro rc cars said...

Congratulations to all winners.I read this blog and this blog is really wonderful.

manucreativa-forever said...

E' incredibile!!! proprio io sono la vincitrice!!!! Non ci potevo credere!!!! ho dovuto controllare due volte! WOW!!!!!
MI piaceva giocare e mi piaceva passare il mio tempo a cercare di trovare delle idee su questo meraviglioso blog!! Ma non avrei mai pensato di vincere!!!!

GRAZIEEEEE JACQUE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

E complimentoni anche a Pedra e Angelique!!!!

Che magica giornata!!!!!

SE già prima venivo spesso a trovarti, ora non mi schioderò più!!!


manucreativa-forever said...

un'altra cosa davvero incredibile: il 16 gennaio è il mio compleanno!!!! E questo regalo è davvero fantastico!!!!!!!!

mi hai reso strafelice!!!!