Friday, May 7, 2010

Friday Sketchers 101 and Some Sweet Stuff for YOU!!!

Happy Friday Everyone!! I hope that everyone has had a magnificent week and that you are also looking forward to a wonderful weekend!! As you know I had my 4th of 6 chemos on Monday and then the BIG shot on Tuesday so my week has been one of great interest!! hahaha So interesting that I hope I never see another one quite like it!! But, on the upswing, GOSH!!! I am 2/3 finished so thanks for all of the sweet support you have given means the world, believe me!!

Today at Friday Sketchers we are celebrating our Two Year Anniversary and I am so excited because I am hosting and have made the sketch for the week. I hope you will participate along with us for sure!! Since all of the DT Members wanted to get the party started we decided to do a Blog Hop for you rather than put the DT Sample Cards on the regular please hop along with us and see not only the cards but the neat prizes you can win as you hop along!!

So if you arrived at my blog first, please go back to the Friday Sketchers blog to start your party!! For my card, I used some cute MM black/white and yellow/white gingham papers which were a gift from Suzan! Thank you so much Sweetie!! The base of the card is Bazzill and the matting is all PTI. You can see that I machine stitched the background panels and made a frame of gingham and satin ribbon around the outside of the card, placing the ribbons in diagonal slits made in the card base after tieing a soft knot in each ribbon. Both the center square and oval nesties are propped up for dimension. I used that darling little Honey Tilda from the Raising the Ceiling Collection over at Magnolia-licious but it looks as though she is out of stock at the moment. Contact Diana if you would like to have her. I stamped her on Cryogen White and colored her with Copics, adding bits of Stickles to the antennae, wings, and tummy! To finish the front of my card, I added a couple of bumble bee buttons and several tiny yellow flowers to soften the corners!

And now for a touch of SWEET STUFF!!! This is my very favorite part!!!!

1 Making Memories Journal Decorating Kit
1 Honeybee Box of Truffles
1 Pack Lindt Bugs and Bees Chocolates
1 Martha Stewart Cosmos Garden Punch
1 Fiskars Tool Taxi
1 Fiskars Craft Knife
1 K&Co Urban Brads
1 K&Co Adhesive Rhinestones
1 K&Co Arte Metalico
1 Making Memories Flower Shop Tin
1 K&Co Metal Art

Please leave a comment for me before Thursday, May 13, at noon DST in order to be eligible for my prize. For those who also participate on the Friday Sketchers blog this week and use my sketch to submit a card, they will receive an extra entry for the prize!!! How fun is that??

And now, it's time to get this anniversary party moving a little bit more so please continue on your merry hopping way and pay a visit to the most lovely and phenomenally talented and creative Jeanette who will certainly have a magnificent surprise for you!!!

Thank you sincerely for dropping by to see me today and I hope you will come back often!! I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate all of your kind comments, your sweet emails and notes, and most of all your continued support as WE go over this bump in my road together!!! You are all so very special to me!! Have a magnificent weekend and until we meet again...great big hugs for each of YOU!!!


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Country Mouse said...

This card is so cute!! You always create the MOST adorable cards! I love that image and the effect you did with the ribbons!!! :)

Leonie said...

Wow this is gorgeous!! Love love love what you have done with the ribbons! what an effect it has created! clever you!!
Also glad to hear you are 2/3's of the way through your journey. think of you often
hugs Leonie

Rufus said...

Love that knotted ribbon border! Very clever to alternate like that. Yahoo on being 2/3 done with the chemo road!! Since this past week has been "interesting", hope that means that this weekend and next week will be good ones.
Lots of hugs to you,

Carole RB said...

Hi Jacque

Your card is beautiful.

Another hard week for you. You are very courageous. I hope for you that you'll win and beat this illness. Good luck.

Thanks for the opportunity to win this fab blog candy.

אורית said...

Wow - the card is a amazing .
Thanks for the chance

fairie said...

Hi Jacque,

I hope you are feeling better. I am wishing you well wishes and warm hugs.

Lovely card as always. I love oogling at them, they are truly inspirational cards.

Thank you for this chance at your yummy candy.

Ujjwal said...

Welcome back !!

Hope you are feeling better now!! Its great news that 4 are over...I am sure 2 will also pass by quickly!!

Loved the colors in your card today and that ribbon technique(I tried that too in my last card).

Thanks again for a chance of winning this fabulous candy!!

I better get on to hopping now :) and secure a second chance here as well :))


juli (sweetpz) said...

Great card Jacque!
thanks for the chance to win!
Hope you are feeling better, i'm thinking happy thoughts for you!


Unknown said...

Hi Jacque!
Beautiful card as always :D
I hope you doing better, and I'm glad you see the positive in this and not just the bad things. I'm sure you'll be soon up and running when you're finish with all the cemo!

I'll play along in the challenges over at friday sketches and hop along lather :)

Love youre card, you're such a inspiration to me! You're so strong and talented!

Thinking of you, and missed you this week.
Take care!

Hugs from Carina

Julye said...

Good to know you are feeling better and a half full lady still. Love your card and Tilda has a rival in those bee buttons altogether a truely sweet caed. Thanks for sharing Julye

Darja Drakšič said...

Such a lovely card. I love bees.
Be strong for another 2 treatments!

Lourdes said...

Jacques!! it's wonderful your actitude in this moment of your life!!!

Your work is fantastic!...I love the knoted're so creative!!

Thanks for the chance to win this candy



Anonymous said...

Oh wow this is so very beautiful!
I love this ribbon and your colours are so gorgeous!
Hope you are feeling better. I am wishing you well wishes and warm hugs.
Greetings Jannie.

Camilla said...

Happy friday to you too:D
Thoughts are with you each and every day through the bumps.
What a lovely card you made. That stamp is so cute :D

Imke said...

I hope you are feeling better. Wishing you well wishes. Your card is very sweet. I like how you knoted the ribbon. Great Idea.
Thanks for offering another blog candy !

ursula Uphof said...

WOW!! Just love everything about this card. Jacque you are amazing. Be strong for the last two and thanks for the wonderful candy that you put up. Warm wishes and loving thoughts

Pamela said...

Beautiful card and candy Jacque, thank you for the chance.
Enjoy your weekend.
Pam x

Helene said...

This card is really cute, I love this sweet Tilda, she's one of my fav' in the last release...
Only two chemo left, that's a good news. I know those are sometimes really difficult to handle, but you truly amazed me. You're one of the strongest person I know...
All my thoughts are for you in this difficult time. I really hope you'll be better soon.


Lenas kort said...

I just loooooove this card :-) This stamp is so cute :-) Have a great day :-)

Margreet said...

Hi Jacque.....pffff I feel so sorry for you, but still 1/3 to go and then we go for a happy ending!!!.you're such a strong woman. I admire you!
Your card is what you did with the ribbon. Tilda is fab coloured!
Wish a very good weekend!
xxx Margreet

scrappyjacky said...

Such a gorgeous card....a very cute Tilda...and love your sketch.

Noami said...

the card is a amazing . very nice idea with the ribbons!!!!
Thanks for the chance :)
hugs, Noami

jeanie de la rama said...

lovely card, fantastic giveaway!thanks for a chance to play. :)

Mummylade said...

love how you've used the ribbon on your card!

Vinglefrøken said...

Wow, what a cute card! My little girl at 18 months wore a costume like a bee in kindergarten when they had a carnival in February..! :-)

Wish you all the best - and cross my fingers for your health and recovery!

Fran said...

Fabulous card, she is such a cute Tilda. Glad to hear your chemo is progressing well and the finish line is in sight!! I imagine it will be a huge relief to walk away from the last session knowing you are done and the 'interesting' weeks are at an end :) *big hugs* said...

Love your embellies and how you did your ribbon!!! Gorgeous as always!! Hope you are feeling well!

Jolita said...

Hi Jacqui,

Again a great card! You always have a special way of putting ribbon or embellishments to your project. I love the ribbonframe you made this time.
Thanks again for giving us the chance to win your sweet stuff.

Have a nice weekend!

Hugs, Jolita

1LuvnMama said...

OMGoodness! I luv this black, white and yellow! I'm buzzzzin'! Luv how you layed out the ribbons and the layout is amazing! You are such a inspiration Jacque!

lucretia said...

You are really inspirational. I wish I had your strength and I wish you well with the rest of your therapy and recovery.
Thank you once again for the chance to win some crafting goodies and for your generosity...

Anonymous said...

Dear Jacque, thanks so much for your fun sketch and being a great birthday host over at Friday Sketchers...your time, work and effort is really appreciated.
I admire you so much...take good care of yourself sweetie.
Big Hugs
Carole x

Sharon Noble said...

Hi Sweetheart great to see you back i actually have been concerned about you and i find it strange sometimes how much online friends can get into your heart even if you've not known them long. I hope this next week is wonderful for you. Jacqui , Your a true inspiration to many of us and expecially me i had been feeling sorry for myself and after visiting your wonderful inspirational blog i was reminded things can always be worse and now i have booted myself up the backside and have learnt to be thankful for what i have. Your card as always is truelly beautiful i adore each and everyone of your cards and can only imagine how much you make others smile with them when they recieve one.
have a great weekend
hugs Sharon x said...

Wow I love this card, it's beautiful. Glad your feeling a little perkier after your treatment. I don't where you find the strength and energy from, I'm totally in awe of you.

Thanks for offering the chance to win such fantastic goodies. x

jude said...

What a beautiful card love the colour combo ,The frame is gorgeous too.So pleased things are going ok and as you say nearly at the end.I hope all goes smothly for your next two sessions.Thanks for chance to win some sweet stuff.
love n hugs judex

♥ Doreen ♥ said...

Eine tolle Karte und die Anordnung der Bänder gefällt mir total gut.

Riet said...

Ohh wowww Jacque,what a beautiful card,i love your image and the colours.
So gorgeous papers and details.

Hugs Riet.xx

jolanda said...

Hi Jacque, so good to hear you have the most of the treatments behind you. I already told you my mum is doing chemo also and she is doing great too. The two of you are very strong women and I admire you both!
Thank you for the chance to win this great candy! I'm going to participate in the Friday Sketchers also, but my card isn't finished yet :)) hugs, jolanda

Jessie said...

Your card is adorable Jacque and congratulations on your chemo, it will be finished before you know it. Hope you have a lovely weekend, hugs, Jessie

pinky said...

Stunning stunning gorgeous card Jacque which simply reflects the beautiful strong kind heart that is you! Glad that week is behind you and hope you are recovering each day. Big hugs

Anonymous said...

Soooo sweet card!!! Love it!! I've put a link in my sidebar about your sweet stuff, crossing my fingers and hoping to win!!

Have a wonderful weekend, hugs from Sweden

Lorraine A said...

Fabulous card Jacque :-) The image is adorable and the way you used the ribbons is a brilliant idea ! :-)

Glad you're doing so well on the chemo hunny ,, I know how ugh it can make you feel xx

Fantastic candy :-) I will definitely be keeping everything crossed and will be joining in with your fab skatch ;-)

Lols x x x

Micha said...

Beautiful Card and Candy!!! Thanks for the chance to win..

Hugs Micha

Debs M said...

what a gorgeous card and great candy!!!

Lorraine said...

what a lovely take on the sketch i love the ribbon bows bordering the image looks great thanks for the chance of winning hun xx

Irene said...

wow......what a lovely sketch and card!!! You give me so much inspiration! thank you fot that!! And thanxs for the lovely candy...

take care


Clare Brown said...

I am amazed you how you manage chemo and a card where do you get your strength. Fridays sketchers looks fab and love all the detailing on your card. Note to myself use cute buttons. Thanks for the inspiration and the yummy candy.

hugs Clare x

Tanja Schurat (vorm. Kortmann) said...

wow... what a cute an lovely card !!! I love your style !!! And I KNOW you will WIN your health back!!!
My best girl friend is healthy since 3 years!!!
So you do it, too !!!!!!- sorry for my bad english, but I hope you understand what I mean ;o)
Hugs, Tanja

Angela Toucan said...

hugs for you and prayers for your health and blessings on your family.

Love you card it's so sweet and the colours are fabulous. Relly like how you framed it

Sonia said...

This is stunning, your cards are so inspirational.
Hugs Sonia xx

Dragonlady said...

Hi Jacque

What a stunning card, love the colours and of course Tilda. Hop eyou have recovered from your ordeal this week - having read your blog for the last few months I know you are a very strong person. Positive thinking hun.

Hugs Ali x

jelonkaa - Ilona Wolnik said...

Wow line-up after such a sweet:) The message on my blog on the left side....Yours in Polish.

Randi WS said...

Amazing card! The framed image are perfect! And I adore your sketch! ;) I hope I'll get the chance to join this weeks challenge.
Hugs, Randi

Dwita said...

Congrats on 2nd anniversary of Friday Sketchers. Love to join this week's challenge. And your goodies are awesome...

Berry said...

Stunning card Jaques! Love that cute tilda image. Glad the chemo is going ok for you hugs Rebekah x

Sandra said...

your card ist very nice and beautiful.
Have a nice weekend.
Hugs Paula

Cards By MI said...

Wonderful card! Can't believe how good those colours looks on your card! :)

Елена - Lepesto4ex said...

I am very glad to see you again. I really love your beautiful card.
Thank you for sending us a chance to win your candy.

The Birthday Group said...

I love how you framed the image with ribbon.

Gerda said...

hello, what a beautiful card, I like it very much. i wish you a nice weekend
lovely greetings Gerda van der Poel

Claire said...

What a gorgeous card you've made and the candy is also fabulous. Happy 2nd Birthday 2 you! Hugs, Claire x

Kella said...

I love the ribbon detail of the card, thanks for sharing your creativity.

Please enter me in your cady draw, I have added you to my sidebar

Therese said...

Gorgeous as always. The bumble bees are so cute and the ribbon is very pretty done.

I`m so happy for you that the treatments is coming to an end, be strong for the last two.

Love your candy. Thanks for the chance to win.
Hugs Therese

Agnes van Hensbergen - agnesstampcards said...

Wow youre card is fabulous,love this tilda.Great paper combination.
Thanks for the chance to win.
Hugs from Holland,Agnes

Louise said...

Beautiful card, Such a great color combo. Thanks for the chance to win.

Marion Kuipers-van Eijsden said...

I have to compliment you on your open story about your cancer and the treatment. You are so brave and I'm sure you will survive. I will add you in my prayers you do. Hang in there... I know chemo is so tough.
And even then you make these beautiful cards. I love what you did with this one.. The little bees and the little flower stars... I just love it totaly.
I will be a follower just to see how you keep up with everything.
Love from a daughter of a two times breastcancer survivor.

Beth said...

I'm sorry to hear what you're going through, nut glad you're nearly done and it clearly hasn't effected your talent! This card is beautiful! I love the cute papers and the ribbon border is lovely! (I love how you've tied your prize into your card too!) Thanks for the chance to win this gorgeous prize, I'm going to get cracking on the sketch!

Love Beth xx

Malwina said...

Great card Jacque! Wonderful candy! Thanks for the chance to win! Link in my sidebar!

Beth said...

Ooops! I meant 'but' not 'nut'! Beth xx

sucor said...

I wish you well with the rest of your therapy and recovery. Your work is awesome! Thanks for the inspiration and thanks for the chance to win this candy.

Ingunn said...

Lovely card, I like the combination of yellow, black and white - I couldn't create something so beutiful out of those! Also like the way you have tied the ribbons to create an extra frame for the always so lovely Magnolia-girl.

And the candy is yummy too!

Jayne Hayward said...

What a fantastic card you have made. I love the colours you have chosen and totally love those little bumble bee embellishments.

The knotted ribbon looks great.

Hope the rest of the treatment goes okay for you - thinking of you.

Jayne xx

Stacie (craft-princess) said...

Such an adorable card! Best wishes for the rest of your treatment! You are so strong!
Thanks also for a chance to win some sweet stuff!

Silvie Z said...

Hi Jacque,
Your card is beautiful, I love the yellow colors! And what you did with the ribbons is awesome! You are so talended!
Thank you for the chance of winning this fabulous candy!!

I’m sending you warm hugs all the way from France!


bdovin said...

Wow! what a beautiful card. So cheerful
My prayers are with you.
Thanks for a chance at winning some really
neat candy.

Tine said...

Hi Jacques, a stunning card. The use of the ribbon is brilliant and goes to make a really special creation. Thanks too for the chance of winning such special candy.
Wishing you well,
Tine X

Katinka said...

Hi Jacques!
you made a beautiful card....
I`m so happy for you that the treatment is coming to an end, be strong for the last two times...take care of yourself! XXX

Warm wishes from Holland,

Charlie B said...

Love your card and how you combined ribbon and paper. Beautiful!

Melissa said...

Keep on keeping on Jacque! Your strength, determination and postitive outlook is inspiring.

Thank you for the chance to win the blog candy and take care of yourself!

latyana said...

That knotted ribbon border is beautiful!
Thanks for a chance to win.

Hugs from Ukraine, Tanya.

Anneke said...

Wow, that is a very beautifull card!
And so great what you have done whit the ribbon :D
Greetings Anneke

AdoraBella said...

oh my God.. I love what you've done with the ribbons. And The image is amazing.. i love the colors, too. Congrats with the anniversary. I saw your sketch some minutes ago and really.. it's awesome.
Take care of yourself
ohh yeah - thanks for the chance to win this yammy candy...

Suzie Q said...

what an adorable card a very clever idea on how you used your ribbon x
i wish you the best of luck with your chemo x
suzie qx

Teresa Carini said...

Hi Jacque! beautiful as always your work, week after week follow one more beautiful than another. I marvel at the neatness of design, color scheme and elements that you use.
For me your blog is a reference that shows me that you can with the cards and with life!
I have a brand new blog where I reference to your major award!
Hugs from Argentina!

Kamaik said...

WOW! It is really wonderful and beautiful card!!!Thanks for the chance to win!
Link in my sidebar:

debb said...

BEE-autiful card! Thank you for chance to win yet again one of your generous offerings!

Bernadet said...

wowwwww this card is so beautiful
great colors you've used!

Dena said...

Jacque! You always make such wonderful card! This is terrific. The yellow and black are sooooo perfect for this adorable stamp!!! Great job!
Thanks for offering such great candy!
Hugs, Dena

Elsina said...

Beautiful card! i love the ribbon knots! I hope you feel better now en have a wonderful weekend!

Jackie said...

omg, i want that i can make that beautifull cards, ik love it..

emily t said...

You have the most amazing attitude for all you have gone through! I love that you don't dwell on what is left to come but what you have accomplished and is behind you! That is the way to go.
I love your 'bee'youtiful card! Hehehe! Sorry I couldn't resist... The alternating of the ribbons with the simple knots are perfect and attaching those adorable little bee buttons is the perfect finishing touch!
Thanks for sharing! :o)

nadyne said...

your card is beautiful!
Thanks for the chance to win this candy.
Nadyne xx

Courtney said...

Great card Jacque...You always have the prettiest cards! I hope you are feeling better. And thanks for the chance at this lovely candy!


Tonje said...

Happy anniversary to friday sketchers... they always have fun and challenging sketces for us to play with.
Your card is so sweet! Love the bumble bee.

Katie said...

Stunning card Jacque and the little bee buttons are just so adorable!
Sorry to hear your week was a hard one but you've made it 2/3rd's through, here's to the last leg of the journey and the celebration at the end!

newfiecrafter(Marilyn) said...

First of all I want to say that I'm so pleased to hear your treatments are going well and you have such a positive outlook on everything . Your card is beautiful and so detailed --looks like Tilda is sitting on the window sill looking at the stars.
Thanks for a chance to win some candy

Peggy said...

Glad to hear you are doing well. Love the bees and stars in the corners and the creativity of the card. God bless!
Peggy Allen

Donna Espiritu said...

this is too cute! i love the ribbon frame! tfs!

Karen W said...

Your card is so cute! Love this image and the colors you choose are just great, but those little bees are so adorable!

Thanks for the opportunity to win such great blog candy

Clare with paint in her hair said...

Glad your chemo is almost over!!

thanks for the chance, i will be entering a card for the fab sketch

Tammy said...

Wow~congrats on Friday Sketchers 2 are starting it off with a wonderful card. Love the ribbon and set up. Great image too!
Thanks for the chance of winning your candy. You are always too kind on your give out. Praying for health always....

Debs said...

Great card, love those little buzzy bees at the top, thanks for the chance to win such gorgeous candy.
Keep your chin up your doing great.

Christina C. said...

As always.....simply adorable!!!!! Love the knotted ribbons, clever!!!!
Your little Tilda is colored to perfection.
Such a sweet card!

Claude said...

I love a good blog hop, so fun!
Your card is amazing and as always, you have the best candy on the web!

Take care of yourself, you are in my thoughts, always.

lisa said...

love your bright and summery xx happy 2nd birthday xxx

Irena said...

Jacque,you are very generous as ever. I hope you in good health. I wish you a nice weekend! Thank you for the opportunity to win:)

Sending you many hugs:)

paperfan said...

This is a lovely card and the candy is wonderful!
Take care of yourself,

Peechy said...

Ugh!! shots are horrible but yayyyy!! you are 2/3 way through. all the best xoxo

Fabby card, love the ribbon ties and the cute bees.

Lisa Summerhays said...

I'll be thinking of you on Tuesday. Hope all goes well!

Beautiful card as usual. Love the little bees!

Kristine said...

Lovely card!
The image is simply adorable!

KarenB said...

I love what you did with the ribbon! Such an adorable card.

Congrats on being 2/3 the way through the course of treatment, stay strong and upbeat, you have so many people behind you :)

Barb Hardeman said...

So glad to know that this is, for the most part, now completely behind you! Yeah! Your card is just precious. Love the ribbon treatment, so cool with the black and yellow ribbons! Beautifully colored image too! Great job Jacque!

Kim Larivière said...

wow amazing giveaway!

Good luck with your treatments.

angeleef said...

What a stunning creation!
I think this isn't an easy sketch but as it is your sketch off course you come up with something clever as this :)
Good luck with the Chemo!!!

Mimi said...

2/3 the way through...yippie!! btw, Your card is adorable and you have some great goodies!

MarieL said...

Oh Jackie, another stunning card. I love the ribbon border. I tried it once but didn't like the outcome. You did a fantastic job. Terrific card.
I hope you are feeling better

Many hugs .... Marie

Lisa Andrews said...

Hi Jacque, first and foremost I hope you are feeling good and on top of your game this week. I've been thinking about you wishing you the best (I feel like I know you from your blog, lol!!). Anyway, terrific card, I just love the way you handled your ribbon! I'm so excited to use this sketch, it has so many possibilities!

hugs, Lisa A

Tammy said...

Adorable card! Love those cute little bees. I am happy for you that you are 2/3rds done with your treatment. Have a wonderful day and thank you for your inspiration.

Lana said...

Jacque what an adorable card, Honey Tilda is so sweet, but your colors and embellishments make her super sweet!!!!! GREAT job! Your such an inspiration both as an Artist and personally, I am dealing with pain daily and following you has helped me keep on keepin on so a HUGE THANK YOU !!!
God bless you!!!

Alisha said...

Cute card! So glad to hear your 2/3 done. Feel better!

Marley said...

Beautiful card! I love the colours and tilda is looking so sweet; awesome colouring! xx Marley

Catherine said...

What a gorgeous card Jacque ! I love the papers and the effect with the ribbon is jus fab ! You are such an inspiration as a crafter and as a person... Take care... Smiles from Catherine

craftymom205 said...

Love your card. You do such great work. Hope you have a good week.

Suzan L said...

Jacque, Happy 2nd Anniversay to Friday Sketchers and to you and the entire DT. What a wonderful sketch to celebrate it with. I love your card!! The yellow and black gingham looks wonderful...perfect for the cute Honey Tilda. And, I love the ribbon treatment that you did and the cute bee buttons and flowers.
Love and Hugs,

Rhonda Miller said...

Oh wow, what a great card. I love the coloring.

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Love all the layers and color on your darling Honey Tilda card. Wish you Sunshine, Lolipops and a great weekend.

Cathy Spicer said...

Wahoo! What a great card ~ the colors, the image, the super sweet ribbon frame. LOVE IT!

Anonymous said...

Hello Jaque,

what a wonderful card. I´ll hope you feel better.
Many Greetings

Daniela from Germany

Petra said...

Einewunderschöne Karte!
LG Petra

glory said...

This card is so cute! Thanks for a chance to win.

charlene said...

Great card Jacque love how you did the ribbon ! thanks for the fun stuff.

Jovita AKA Tia Goofy said...

Beautiful card, love how you did the ribbon.

Julie said...

Adorable. I love all the details.

Moni said...

Hi Jacque, stunning cards as always, so love the color combo and fab details. Have a fab weekend! Hugs,moni

Fonda @Southern Scraps said...

Love what you did with the ribbon!

Sarah said...

Wow your card is stunning, completely gorgeous, love the bol colours and Tilda looks so beautiful x Big hugs to you xxx

Bobbi said...

Your card is gorgeous as usual! I am so glad to see you back on the blog, I have missed visiting you. I was hoping all was well after Monday's treatment. You are an inspiration and hope that the next treatment is better to you.

Paddington fan said...

Hi Jacque,
Another feast of gorgeousness with this card and those bumble bee buttons are fab!! Great news that you are 2/3 of the way through your chemo - keep going girl we are all behind you!! Love & Hugs , Jacky x

Kleine85 said...

Oh wow, what a lovely card *woooow*

and the candy is lovely.

Thanks for having the chance to win. Wishing you a great weekend.


Hege-Annie Simonsen said...

Fab, adorable card! Great candy, too! I've linked in my sidebar. Wish you a great weekend!

Patti Jo said...

Love the black and white checks with your adorable Tilda bee! Such a cute card! Keep up the positive attitude Jacque, you are amazing!!!

CraftCrave said...

Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [07 May 03:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria

Unknown said...

your card is very lovely :D!


Tracy Valure said...

Your card is beautiful as always. I just love that Honey tilda!


scrappingnomad said...

Cute, cute card, just love all the details!

I've posted about you in my blog (, there's so much inspiration here!!!

I've also put a permanent link to your candy blog. I guess people come for it to begin with, and then get hooked up with your beautiful cards!!!

Rachel said...

Oh Jacque what a beautiful card!!!
Big hugs to you,

Fi said...

What an absolutely stunning card- I love the yellow, it's sooooooo cheery!


Create With Joy said...

Dear Jacque,

I think about you often and I want you to know what an inspiration you are to me. I know what a difficult journey you are going through, yet here you are, sharing your talent and bringing joy through your candy and your creations to your friends and fellow crafters and artists. I SO admire your tenacity and your courage!

Thanks for another chance to win. I will be adding the candy and the hop to my sidebars at Create With Joy and I invite you to stop by for a chance to win some digital collage sheets throughout the month of May!


Judy said...

Adorable card. I love how you used the knotted ribbon and added bees. Thanks for a chance to win some yummy candy. Have a great weekend. Judy

Janneke said...

Your card is amazing Jacque ;0)
Have a great weekend!

Janneke X

Kim said...

WOW WOW WOW! Jacque how do you manage to make such wonderful creations all of the time! Your work is always so beautiful hun!!!! :) Hope you are able to get some more crafty time in before your next treatment.
Hugs~ Kim

Diane Louise J said...

What an absolutely beautiful card... its stunning, I love what you have done with the ribbons. Hope you are feeling better soon.
Take Care Jacque
Love Diane xx

Lisa G. said...

Adorable the ribbon! Your almost at the finish line...keep it up girlie! xo Lisa

Christi Flores said...

What an adorable card and sweet candy!! I love this!!

Pat said...

I love what you have done with this sketch! Very pretty!

Cheryl said...

I love the sketch!

Your card is fabulous! I love how you used the ribbon.

Glo said...

Thanks for the candy!! :)

Candy said...

Hi Jacque!
I am so happy to hear you are almost finished your treatments!!! Big party on that day :o)
Your card is such a happy one. Love your gingham papers, ribbons and those sweet bee buttons - so cute!
Hugs, Candy

Brennen said...

Wow! You are so very talented and very generous with the sweet stuff. I just love to see what you're new post will be every day. Keep them coming. :)

Shazza said...

Hi Jacque, what a beautiful card, I love the way you have created the frame. Glad your treatment is 2/3 through. My little sister's best friend had her last chemo for breast cancer today so keeping fingers tightly crossed for her, and for you of course. Will be joining in the sketch and your scrummy candy

Judi said...

What a fab card. I love the colour scheme.

Hope you're not feeling too yucky now?


Judi xx

Julie M said...

Gorgeous candy, and a most gorgeous happy card, Jacque. Congrats on being 2/3 of the way through your treatment, well done - we are are cheering for you!

Julie xx

Pirueta said...

I am heartened by your work, do not miss a single detail!
I really appreciate the accuracy in the works, and you have what pouchitsya.Teper I am a regular reader of your wonderful blog, I went to see you every day, long examined your beautiful cards, how much life in them, what they give a wonderful mood, thanks a lot for this beauty!
all you good!
I would also like to wish you strength and patience, and most important, health more!

Sugar said...

You are so wonderful!

Kat said...

What a sweet image, I love this Tilda. Love those little bees and these cute little flowers. Thank you for more inspiration.

I hope you are recovering from the latest round of chemo. I love how you always look on the bright side and say that you are 2/3 of the way there. You are very brave.

Take care,

Kat xx

Jennifer said...

I love your card its so bright and cheery!!! I would love to send some cheery wishes your way to help you through your latest round of chemo. Thanks for the chance to win such great prizes.

Best of luck,
Jennifer R

Debby said...

fabulous card ,love how you attached the ribbon.Thanks for the chance to win
sending you hugs and get well wishes


Jamie said...

Another BEAUTIFUL card.. I love checking out your cards they are just to cute.. I'm hoping over time I will be as talented as you.Thanks for the chance to win your yummy candy! I also did this sketch for Friday sketchers here's my card..

Kreatives von Andrea said...

Was für eine traumhaftschöne Karte, die Umsetzung ist dir perfekt gelungen,alles paßt so wundervoll zusammen.

Deine Candy ist aber ebenso sehr wundervoll,da wäre man sehr gerne die Gewinnerin, danke für Gewinnchance.

Einen ganz lieben Gruß von Andrea

Caroljenks said...

Gorgeous card as always - where do you get your inspiration and drive from??? LOVE the effect you've done with the ribbons.

...and MORE candy - you are just too generous :)

Thanks for the chance to win,

Carol x

La Vikinga said...

Very unusual card with the knots on the ribbons!!! You have such imagination to always invent new things! It seems that you have a lot of time to think, try, do and re-do!

I wish one day I'll be there, too.

Charlotta / La Vikinga sends greetings from Sweden

Sharon said...

Hi Jacque,

Love this layout and the ribbon frame. You are so inventive with your cards that there is always something new and different added. Thanks for the inspiration. Have a wonderful week.

Sharon x

Kathleen said...

Goodness - what a stunningly beautiful card. I love it!
Shouldn't really put my name down for this candy what with the chocs and me being type 1 diabetic, but i might be kind and give hubby the chocs!!
Thanks for the very generous offer!!
Keeping my fingers crossed!

WW said...

I love K&Company stuff, it always looks so neat and fun.

TAS said...

Wonderful card! Love the color scheme, ribbon effect (so clever), and gorgeous coloring of the image. So glad to hear you are recovering somewhat from your last chemo session. Hoorah, 2/3 of the way through!! You are such a sweet and courageous person!

xxxtglxxx said...

Fantastic card - really cheery! :) Inspirational and beautiful! xx

best wishes and hoping you are bouncing back soon!

Linda Palmer said...

Beautiful Card. I love the dp, the knotted ribbon made into the frame, your coloring. It is all gorgeous, as all your cards are. I am so glad that you are 2/3 thru. You are in my prayers.

TeenaBugg38 said...

Yayyyyy the end is near for the chemo!! You are still in my thoughts and sure can't hurt and it may even help:) This is a gorgeous card, as is everything you create! Thank you for your kindness and generosity....and there is REAL candy along with the bloggy type!!!! You are awesome!

Anonymous said...

LOVE your little bee card! So cute!

jennruggeri75 said...

What a great card and image... too cute!! I love the sketch for this week and can't wait to try it out! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers... it is so great to be 2/3rds of the way through!!

Jenn Borjeson said...

Wow - your card is gorgeous, I love it!

Stampin Mindy said...

Jacque this is super cute, I love this Tilda and those bee brads are adorable. Hugs!!

Peta's Blog said...

Gorgeous card, love everything about it :oD That tilda is too cute!!!
So happy that your Chemo is soon to be finished yay, I really wish you all the best, my payers and thoughts are with you xoxoxo.
thanks so much for giving everyone the chance to win such delicious candy.
Hugs xoxox


Lisette Morris said...

Perfect! Perfect! Perfect! I love all the little touches you added with the bees and stars. Too cute!

Amaranth said...

I've never tried Black and yellow, tried black and gold but this looks just as wicked!!

trish said...

Gorgeous card as always Jacques and a fabulous sketch that I look forward to trying. Thank you for your generousity- you are such a generous lady.
I am delighted to hear that you are now 2/3 of the way through your chemo.. keep going girl with that incredible attitude- we're all behind you with our prayers and support.
Many hugs,
Trish x

PamSpradlin said...

You are inspriational...both in your card making and in your life. You are still in our prayers.

Debbi said...

Jacque, so sorry to hear that your week was such a tough one, but your attitude is as super as ever. You're an inspiration!
Your card is so wonderful! I LOVE the image and bee buttons. And the way you wound the ribbon around--love it!
Keeping you in my prayers!

Delpha said...

as usual a great card. 2/3 done sounds so good doesn't it. Take care of yourself, I hear it takes awhile to get back to normal. You are very inspiring. I don't know how you can sound so up. Anyway, thanks for the chance for the candy. and keep smiling!

darling Ho said...

WOW~~~It's so cute!!
I like the bees, so funny and expression.

Christelle said...

Your card is adorable! I love the frame you made with the ribbons, I'm going to have to try that! Thanks for the inspiration!

~Jennifer Rose~ said...

LOVE this sketch Jacque!! I absolutely LOVE your card!! I like how you used the ribbon as a frame for the card. The image is just sooo cute! TFS! Thanks for the chance to win goodies too! :) (Hugs)

Carol said...

Wow, thanks for a great give away!
So glad to hear that you are 2/3 done! Woo Hoo! Hang in there!

Carol B

Irene Daryanto said...

I love the Honey Tilda, I recently color lots of them. Thanks for the chance to win the amazing candy.

The Art Town said...

I love this card~ it's super cute and sweet.
Thanks a chance to win the candy.
Happy weekends.

Chiara Handmade said...

Love your cards!!! Thank you for this special candy, I cross my finger!
Have a nice day

Cecilie said...

Beautiful card!!! Love the Tilda stamp... so sweet.
Have a great weekend.
Hugs from Norway

Crafting Diva said...

HI love love your card and again thank you for the chance to win these wonderful goodies all the best from LIsa

fatima said...

An inspiring card! lOve the way you have placed the ribbons! so gonna copy it!!! and the sweet stuff is giving me a toothache just lookin at it :)Thanks for the chance to win it.

Jilli said...

Gorgeous card, I love those bumble bees, how cute are they?! Hope everything goes well for you. Hugs Jillix

Monica said...

You are fantastic! Thanks for all the candy!

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