Sorry there is no card today...sigh...but I told you my One Year Blog Birthday was today and promised you a surprise since I had been shopping... So I hope you are happy with my selections to honor YOU for the many times you have visited my blog and for always leaving the sweetest and kindest comments. As many of you know, at the time this is posted (8:30 AM DST) I will be kicked back in the CHEMO chair and partaking of fun and games!! Let's hope you are having much more fun...lol I sincerely apologize for this picture BUT it all just would not fit in a picture!!! Here is a listing of what I shopped for and some things are NOT in the picture but I can promise you all pockets on the tote will be filled!!!
1 Once Upon A Time Pink Scrap Tote
1 Stampology Layered Clear Stamp Set-Invitation and Party
1 Pastel Paper Pack from Crafty Secrets
1 Classic Paper Pack from Crafty Secrets
1 Making Memories Whimsy Embellishment Kit
2 packs of Metallic Adornments
1 pack of K&Co Paper Flower Brads
1 Pack of K&Co Flower Dimensionals
1 Tin of Making Memories Flower Shop Collection
1 Tin of Making Memories Butterfly Collection
7 bunches of assorted mulberry roses
2 packs of MS clear gems
1 Fiskars Tool Taxi
1 Pack of Making Memories Velvet Brads
A handful of miscellaneous charms
Stamps from the companies I represent:
1 Belles 'n Whistles Scarecrow & Little Wizard
1 Magnolia Wrapped Tilda
1 D'Amour Allure Flirty Valentine
1 Flower Soft Moments in Time Purr-fect
LOTS of Ribbon from my stash
1 MS Cornice Edge punch
1 MS Cosmos Garden punch
and gosh I am sure I have forgotten some things...
I would appreciate it greatly if you would leave your comment, would let your followers know about the SWEET STUFF on your personal blogs, and nothing would make me happier than for the winner to be one of my very own Followers!!! The deadline for this SWEET STUFF will be Thursday, April 29 at midnight DST.
Thank you so much for dropping by to help me celebrate my One Year Birthday of Blogging. Never in my wildest of dreams would I have imagined that I would have 1870 Magnificent Followers and more than 180,000 visits in this year. My sincere thanks, big hugs, and much love to each of you for your constant support and sweet comments!!
1 – 200 of 889 Newer› Newest»My thoughts and prayers will be with you Jacque. Happy blogaversary and thanks for the chance to win such amazing goodies:) Hugs, Jessie
thank you for this wonderful opportunity. Thoughts and prayers going out for you!
Happy Blogaversary! I hope today goes well for you-thoughts and prayers to you...
I have switched you from my reader to be a follower and posted your most generous giveaway on my blog sidebar. Thank you for the opp!
I am thinking of you today whilst you are having treatment Jacque and praying that you'll come through it well!
Thank you so much for offering this amazing candy and Happy Blog Birthday! Your creations are always beautiful and I have been a follower for a while now ;o)
I'm off to add a link to my sidebar right away.
Blessing and hugs, Tara xx
Congratulations on your blogoversary!
You are in my prayers today, Jacque. I hope all goes well.
Posting about your great giveaway on my blog. Already a follower...
Hugs from India
oh hun how kind of you to offer this gorjus candy and so thoughtful too I have been following you for ages,now hun and you always make such stunning makes,and hoping and praying your treatment,goes well for you hun,take care love hugs cheryl x
will post this on my side bar hun xxxxxxxxx
Hi Jacque,
Hope your Chemo goes well, stay strong you've done so well so far. Great candy, happy blogversary, and I love your your creations.
Thanks for a chance to win
Happy crafting
Tracy x
Wishing you only the best! ;) I *love* seeing your gorgeous creations. {many hugs!!}
I was not the winner this time either but since I am a fan of your cards I'll continue to check them out and also participate in your sweet stuff blogcandy!
La Vikinga
WOW! You have a wonderful fantastic super great terrific blogaversary gift. Someone will be so very lucky. I am thinking of you today while you are having your chemo. I asked God to go easy on the side effects and He assured me that you will be just fine. God Bless you, my friend
Happy Blog Birthday!!! Hugs to you as you go through Chemo!
I've been a follower and have admired your creations for some time. Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers. Take care sweetie! I've added your Blogaversary candy to my blog, congrats on 1 year! I wish you many, many more!
Thanks for a wonderful giveaway!
Congrats on you're Blog Birthday!
It's not difficult to see that you've have so many followers and have so much nice comments when youre work is so beautiful!
Hope you'll have many blogyears to come!
I've put you're Blog birthday on my blog too :)
Take care and I hope you'll get well soon!
Hugs from Norway
Thinking of you today and sending good thoughts and prayers to you. How thoughtful of you to think of us on this day. Happy Blogversary and thank you for the great chance at goodies.
Happy Blog Birthday!!!
I wish I could sit and watch you create your beautiful cards. I hope today goes easy for you. Gentle Hugs
Happy Blog Birthday!!!
I'll be thinking of you and do keep a prayer in my heart for you.
Thanks so much for a chance.
Happy Blog Birthday Jacque!!! Thinking of you always and keeping you in my prayers!!!
Sending big hugs your way!!
wishing you the very best with your chemo, hoping all goes well for you. You are one of lifes true ladies, an inspiration. Congrats on your blog anniversary, I do not have my own blog YET but love reading yours and many others, I will spread info re your blog and candy and hope I well be entered in your draw even though I do not have my own blog. Thoughts and prayers with you. Geraldine, Rep of Ireland.
Sending good thoughts out your way! How do you juggle it all?? My hat's off to you.
Have a wonderful blog b'day too!!
Ronda A.
Congratulations on your blogoversary!
thanks for the chance to win !!
Posting about your great giveaway on my blog. Already a follower
I think you're amazing! :) I haven't seen bloggers that love their readers so much :)
Wishing joy and happiness to you!
I've put a link to your wonderful candy on my blog's panel.
Hugs from Russia,
WOW!!! Amazing candy, amazing you!!!
Congratulations on your blogoversary!
Thank you for a chance!!! My link is on a left sidebar http://belyona.blogspot.com/
Natasha from Russia :)
I hope you'll have good time after the chemo... My prayers are with you!
This is a really great candy, Jaque!!! Thanks for the chance.
Jacque !
Happy Blogaversary .... my thoughts and prayers are with you today. I think you were one of the first blogs I started following when I started coloring. You are such an inspiration in so many ways !
Thanks for all you do
Congratulations on your blogoversary Jacque! Your blog really great!Awesome works!
Thanks for the chance to win this fantastic candy!!!!Really want to be the lucky winner.
I'm your follower and linked candy on my sidebar.
Congrats for one year blogging birthday. I linked at my blogsidebar.
Thanks for the chance and I wish u only good times .
Congrats to you Jacque on your first year blogging!!! Your creations are a joy and feast for the eyes...I always look forward to seeing each one!!! I will link your generous candy to my sidebar and big thanks for the chance to win.
Good thoughts are with you as you go through your chemo treatment!
Congrats on your blogaversary! I am already follower and posted your candy in my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win some sweet stuff. My thoughts are with you during your chemo and I hope all goes well.
Congratulations on your 1 year blog anniversary! I can only wish for such a marvelous following on my 1 year anniversary! I send you well wishes for you health too. My thoughts and prayers are with you. I am a follower of your beautiful blog and am posting your blog candy on the sidebar of my blog. Please visit when you get a free minute. http://kreativekaleidoscope.blogspot.com
Happy Blogaversary, Jacque!! And congrats on such magnificent milestones!
I linked your candy, and I'm already a follower. Thanks for the chance to win such awesome candy!!
I am continuing to pray for you while you have your Chemo.
*get well hugs to you*
Jacque, I am so touched that even while going through chemo you would think to share some love with others by offering this candy! My prayers are with you and your family.
Congrats on your blogaversary.
Big Hugs,
Wwow! What great blog candy!
Happy blogaversary Jacque! I am sending out my thoughts and prayers for you as you face the battle of a lifetime. You are both a great inspiration with your creations as well as a great inspiration of strength in life. You are a brave lady and you have a big heart. Love that you are so generous in having this kind of a goody package to give to others while you are going through a rough patch like this in your life.
Congratulations and God Bless!
Jacque!!!!!!!! Happy bloganiversary!!! The year goes very fast and I enjoy each day looking at your wonderful job!!!
Thaaaaa nk you for this wonderful opportunity. Thoughts and prayers going out for you! Take very care of yourself!!
Happy Blog Birthday Jacque!!!!! I so enjoy visiting your blog and seeing all of your beautiful creations. Thanks for being so generous with your talent!!! My thoughts are with you during this time.
Thanks for the chance to win.....Poland.
I hope your CHEMO appointment is going well. Prayers are going out to you today.
More fabulous Candy Jacque - you really are very generous, this candy is beautiful!!!!
Hope you continue to do well with the chemo - I know it is really horrible, but we are all thinking of you here in Blogland!
Hi Jacgue, Happy Blogoversary to you. This is one awesome candy youa re offering. So love to win it! I am now off to add you on my sidebar! Hugs, Moni
Congrats on your blogaversary, Jacque. I'm not surprised you've got such a following. You write wonderfully and your cards are always inspiring.
I'm thinking of you going through your chemo. Yuk! I hope it goes okay for you though I know it's not pleasant.
It is great to have you in this crafty-blog world!!!
And thank you for shearing your amazing creations with us!
And thank you for being so generous.
Thank you for the chance!
I have you in my thoughts.
Hugs from Croatia!
thank you for this wonderful opportunity.
kiss from Italia.
Jacque, Happy 1st Blog Anniversary!! Your blog is my favorite to visit!! You are really an inspiration to me and so many other people...not only with your gorgeous cards, but with your strength, grace and generosity.
Thank you for sharing your creativity and love with all of us.
With Love and Hugs,
Hi Jacque,
happy blog birthday!
Oh wow, this is so great, I would really love to win.
Wishing you sunny days,
Madre mia q candy mas impresionante!! es enorme!!! ya lo anuncie en mi blog; http://botonesdemilcolores.blogspot.com/
Muchisimas felicidades!! Tambien es mi cumpleaños esta semana, si me tocase sería un regalo más que perfecto!!!
Gracias por la oportunidad!!
Wishing you a HAPPY Blog Birthday, Jacque! You have hit so many milestones here with your wonderful inspirational cards and continued strength. Many thoughts, prayers, hugs and love coming your way.
congrats on ur blogaversary!!! i've popped your candy on my blog sidebar. :) thanks for the chance.
here's a wish for a speedy recovery -- have a very blessed day! :)
Happy one year. What great candy. I have become a follower and I am putting a link on my blog.
Happy Blog Birthday! I'm a follower and enjoy seeing all your creations and you're an inspiration to me. Your blog candy is yummy and thank you for a chance to win all these goodies!
I hope that all your treatments go smoothly for you and you're in my prayers.
I love stalking your blog...and your upbeat positive attitude is always a highlight of my day! Thank you for the opportunity to win some yummy goodies!!
Be well
Hi hun, I hope your chemo goes ok today, keep your eternal optimism, I truely admire you! Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Thank you so much for the chance to win this HUGE candy! hlcarroll@hotmail.co.uk :O) xx
Congrats to you, you're amazing! Thanks for your blog and this candy!
Best wishes to you for today and for the days ahead...What a generous giveaway! A friend posted a link at stampincanada.com, so you'll probably notice a few new readers today!
Happy Birthday Jacque, I really admire your attitude, I wish all your dreams will come true!
Thanks for the chance to win this awesome blog candy, I already added a link in my blog!
Jacque, you have really out done your self! That is some amazing blog candy.
I do hope your chemo goes well and you aren't left feeling deflated. You are such a sweet person, it hard to imagine anything keeping your sunny spirit down.
Hapy One Year Blog Birthday!!!! Wish you 2000 followers!!
Thanks so much for all of the wonderful goodies that you are giving away!
I have popped you in my sidebar on my blog http://miawoo.blogspot.com/!!
Happy Blogaversary!
Thank you for the chance!
Happy Blog Birthday! Your blog really great and you're amazing! I love your your creations. Thanks for the chance to win.
Congratulations on your blog birthday. And prayers for you fast recovery from chemo today. Love you to look at all your beautiful designs. DiAnn
Happy blog birthday - 1 year old! Jacque you are one positive woman - my very best wishes for good health! You are so generous with your blog candy - whomever wins is one lucky person!
Jacque, It is so hard to believe it has been a year already. A year of one gorgeous creative card after another. Also a year of over 1800 followers. I don't think I have ever seen anyone with that many followers.
Hang tough girl. Prayers are with you.
Happy blogaversary, just know that your going to be well and happy'er when your thru with all the theraphys...my prayers are with you...I visit your blog almost daily, your work is beautiful...and you have a very nice head, some of us don't ya know (like me)...lol
Hi Jacque!
Happy Blogaversary! thanks for the chance to win! thinking of you always and wishing you all the best!
Congrats your blog and you!!!
Wish a lot years your blog!!!
Like your candy! it's super and thank you for chance.
Glade be your follower. Linked on my side bar
Congratulations on your blogaversary!
Thanks for the chance to win!I linked your candy here:http://marmeladnaya.blogspot.com/
Hi Jacque! Happy one year blogaversary! Congrats on your very successful blog and may you have many many more wonderful blogging years ahead. Thank you for sharing your inspiring ideas with us. Take care Jacque and thanks for the chance to win your sweet stuff!!!
Congratulations on your blogaversary!
Thanks for the chance to win!Feel well and hope to see my name....
many congratulations on your first blog aniversary and on your many hits =), and thanks a lot for offering us all this super mega candy ,I love everything =O, Thank you jacke =).I ll put a link in my sidebar right now
my best wishes for your and your family
Happy Blog Birthday!! I literally started to work on my blog last week.... will make sure I link to your Sweet Stuff!! And thanks for the chance to win!!
Karen G (BC)
My thoughts are with you Jacque today and pray that the chemo will be kind to you. I have been following your progress and would like to say that I think you are such an inspiration to everyone.
Congratulations on your blogversary and how kind of you to offer such wonderful candy.
Max x
Happy Blogaversary :) Amazing candy Jacque, you've outdone yourself with this one.
I hope your chemo went smoothly and you're not feeling too dreadful after it. Rest up and take care of yourself.
My thoughts are with you today, and hoping that the Chemo wasn't too awful Jacque, your work is just awesome. Happy Blogaversary - and congrats on all your followers and visitors!
Poor Very BRAVE you I hope all went well with the chemo stuff and I can see from your photo you lost your hair bless. Well if it works your hair will grow back and you will be here for longer I will pray for you and your family bless you all.
I have posted your candy in my side bar hun
Love Dawn xx
Happy Blog Anniversary..
Hugs Mea
Oh and I am a follower too, well I have to make sure your ok I will be chcking in often with you hun
Love and ((Hugs))to you xx
Happy Blogaversary Jacque. Awesome giveaway you have there. I've been a follower of your blog for a while now and I just added a link to my sidebar. Come on by and say "Hi".
Hugs, Rosalee
What a wonderful way to celebrate your Blog Anniversary...you always have some of the best blog candy out there! I pray you have a quick recovery after your treatment. I'm so inspired and amazed by your strength and creativeness. You truly are a phenomenal woman! Hugs, Rosemary
Hi Jacque,
Hope your chemo section went well. Hope you have a quick recovery afterward as well. Thank you for the chance to win this FABULOUS candy. Who would be the lucky winner? I am so amazed by your strength and talent. I have just added a link back to your candy.
Keep on fighting :)
Thinking of you today, and thanking you for your amazing generosity to us random blog readers!
Good luck with your Chemo... do you take some crafty mags to read??? or a laptop to blog-hop?? Thanks for the gorgeous candy offer, Happy Bloggy Birthday, take care xx
Happy one year anniversary with your blog! You must be so happy and proud to see what you have accomplished over the past year! You have a wonderful blog and are an inspiration to so many! :<)
I hope that your chemo session went as well as can be expected. You stay in there fighting! I keep you in my prayers.
Wishing you a good week! Thank you for this opportunity to win such fabulous blog candy! The winner is going to be one lucky person!
Barbara Diane
Thinking of you, Jacque! I hope your day went smoothly. :)
You are so generous with your blog candy! That is a fantastic collection! Whoever is the winner is very fortunate indeed.
I bookmarked your site a couple of weeks ago after I stumbled on it, and have checked it out frequently since then. You make lovely cards and I enjoy your site. Will become a new follower if I can figure out how to do it!
Jacque: I've been your follower for quite some time now and I must tell you that you are the most wonderful, courageous lady I know. I will be thinking of you today and sending good thoughts and prayers. I can't even imagine, stay strong and think positive ... and OH, MY! How thoughtful of you to think of us. Like I said before - you are such an inspiration! Happy Blogversary and thank you for the chance.
Thanx for the t'riffic blog candy opp - count me in - and here's the link to my post about it! I've got some candy at my blog too, and am adding more to it every couple days!
Congratulations on your one year of blogging and the wonderful creations you have shared with all of us. Good luck with your treatment - keeping you in my prayers.
Congrats!!!! Thanks for a wonderful chance at this candy. Will post on my sidebar and let others know.
Dearest Jacque~~you never cease to amaze me!! What a Stash!!! The Happiest Blogaversary To You!! My prayers for you are that God gives you health, happiness and strength. I am sharing this special on my blog and good luck with treatments!!
Blessings and Hugs
Hi, Jaccque Happy 1 year Blogoversary!! Hope that today wasn't to bad and you are still feeling yourself. WOW, when you decide to celebrate you don't pull any punches! Whoever wins this is going to be doing the "happy dance" for weeks! You are an inspiration. Hang in there!
Happy Blog Birthday! I pray your chemo went well today and that you quickly regain your strength from the treatment. I admire your strength and courage. You are a remarkable lady!
Happy Blogoversary! You are one talented, inspiring lady. I hope that your day went well. Thank you for offering this generous candy. Take care.
I'm off to post your candy on my blog. Hope your day wasn't too terrible and that you recover quickly. I can believe that you have as many followers as you do as your work is beautiful and I have been a follower for a long time! Bunches of big hugs! Stephanie
Congrats on your one year blogoversary! You are in my thoughts and prayers! You have such beautiful work on your blog. Many hugs! Meg
Hope today went well for you luvvie!! I have only been blogging for about one month - yours was the first site I visited and I have been hooked ever since. You have inspired me to create a blog of my own and I get such inspiration from your work. Your candy package is over the top!! I have posted it on my blog for my friends to see as well. Sending lots of hugs your way!!
Happy Bloganiversary Sweety!!
You have enchanted us for a year!! Lucky us!!!
blind me!! what a wonderful candy you are offering!! I`ll keep my fingers crossed to be the lucky one!!!
My thoughts and prayers are with you. I hope the chemo wasn't too horrible for you today. I went through the same thing 10 years ago so I know how badly you can feel. Thank you for the opportunity to win the beautiful blog candy. I love visiting your blog as it's so inspirational.
Congrats on your one year blogoversary!
thank you for this wonderful opportunity.
Am already a follower and have linked you in a post on my blog.....hope you have a speedy recovery....you are in my thoughts and prayers!
Congratulations Jacque. It's funny that it's been a year, but it seems like only days ago. Thank you so much for all your fabulous creations for this past year, you sure is my MENTOR. As you already know, you inspired me so much, not only from your artwork, but your strong and cheerful personality :o)
I continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers, Jacque. I admire your strengh and humor! That's our gal! And gosh have you been shopping! What a wonderful blog candy to celebrate your one year blogaversary! You are always so generous. I'll be posting this on my side bar. Take care, Jacque. Hugs, Cami
You are such an inspiration.How wonderful of you to offer us a treat when you are facing such adversity. Hugs to you, Adelle
Congratulations Jacque - I am counting the days until I can take a class from you in Brevard!
Here's to a speedy recovery. There are so many wonderful prayers and good vibes going your way I hope your heart is smiling. You are well loved my dear! See you soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jacque, sweet lady, you hang in there. Never once think of stopping your treatment! My family member wanted to quit many times, but she hung in & is cancer free! We are all so proud.
Happy Blogaversary to you, and I cannot imagine you shopping for US!! Bless your heart. Hugs, Pat Smith
I hope you are feeling better soon. Thank you for your inspiration and sharing your creativity with all of us.
Congrats on your blog birthday. Your work is fabulous but your attitude really is the best. You are an inspiration to all.
~ Hugs
Mary Beth
Congrats Jacque on your blog birthday. I hope the day went well for you and you have a speedy recovery. I'm posting on my sidebar.
Happy Blog Birthday, today is my Birthday too I am a follower and love to visit your blog to see your incredible cards you make - I envy your talent. Be well & keep up that awesome outlook of yours!!! XXX, Staci
I am so happy for you Jacque, imagine, one whole year... look at what you have done and where you are going!! You are going to make it. Thank you for your generosity, as usual you have done too much.. but that is you.. give and you shall receive..
Hugs, Jean
Hi Jacque!
Congratulations on one year of blogging. you have done so well with all your followers. Your cards are always lovely to see.
I pray today went well for you dear one.
I will put your generous blog candy on my blog.
Hugs Marion
Happy Blogaversary jacque and Congratulations. I have to say that I've loved seeing your cards. I'm relatively new to maggies and copics and you've been such an inspiration to me. My thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless.
Happy Blog Birthday, Jacque! Oh, my friend I figured this was your week again! Another tough one to navigate through. Your "Sweet Stuff" is absolutely gorgeous. So much stuff, it's like a huge Christmas present! You are so generous, and so brave, and so sweet! Prayers for you this week, especially as you face that Dragon again!
Happy Blog Birthday!!! I was just recently introduced to Maggies and you inspire me daily with your beautiful work! Thoghts and prayers to your recovery, I have two close friends who are in the same battle. Thank you for sharing your talent and your generosity. Smiles, Lisette
Jacque you are truly such an inspiration. I always make sure to stop by your blog and see what you are up to. You are in my thoughts and prays.
Good luck!
Thanks for your blog!)))
Link on sidebar in my blog
Thinking about during your treatment this week and always! You are a strong and very courageous lady!!
Happy 1 year Blog Birthday Jacque and here's to many, many more!
Hugs, Kelly
Congratulations on your anniversary. I will continue to keep you in my prayers as you take your treatment.
Your blog is wonderful and I love all of your cards. The blog candy you are offering is awesome!
Have a greaet week.
Congrats on your blog birthday. You will be in my prayers and I hope everything goes well for you. I have been a follower of your ever since I discovered Tilda and love your fabulous work.
Thanks for the chance to win some great blog candy.
Happy Blogovarsary on your lst year! You have created a wonderful, creative collection of some beautiful work. Thanks for creating your blog so that all the rest of us can enjoy your talents. I send my best wishes for healthy days and nights as you conquer your illness.
Karen Petersen
Happy Blog Birthday, it is a huge endeavor what with all you're coping with. I love visiting and seeing your creations and finally became a follower. I'm praying for you today.
Congrats on your ONE YEAR Blogovarsary,Your
cards are always soooo very Beautiful if only
I could do half as good.Thank You you such a chance to win such nice candy.You are always
in my Prayers.
Linda J.W.
Hi Jacque ~ As always, you are so generous with your gifts! I know that it makes me feel good when I give, so you should be feeling great with all that sweet stuff to give away : ) You are truly amazing and I admire you.
I continue to pray for you. May God's strength be your strength. May His peace be your peace...
Now... Happy Blogoversary!!! We all rejoice with you!
Love and hugs ~
Happy Blog Birthday! Thank you for your incredible generosity. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, and as always, your strength and courage is an inspiration to all as you walk this difficult path. May God bless and watch over you.
Добрый День! у вас замечательные жизнерадостные работы, я буду у Вс учиться, если не возражаете!
I'm a new Magnolia follower. I found these little cuties by accident. Your cards are lovely! Happy Anniversary! I have no clue how to go about blogging. I don't know exactly why you are going through Chemo, but I noticed the breast cancer ribbon. My Mom whom I lost in May of 2009, had breast cancer so many years ago, came through it and I remember when she had her 20th anniversary cancer free. I didn't lose my Mom to cancer, but her heart, which was so weak and she was and free from cancer almost 30 yrs. I miss my mother so much, but she's my angel in heaven & I know she's watching over me. My Mom loved angels & talking about angels. She would love these cute, adorable little angel stamps. I am just learning about copic markers, and I have a couple of cards made and several magnolia's that I just finished yesterday and ready to decorate my cards. I only have a few magnolia stamps, an limited copics and I hope someday I can try to come close to your beautiful cards. Your cards just "pop" colors are so soft & look so sweet as angels should. I will add you to my prayer list! You sound like a wonderful lady, with a lot of wonderful talent and wonderful friends. Hugs & Prayers! Leah Ann Gast
Hhappy blog birthday! I love the color combinations on your cards!!
cherylben at earthlink dot net
wow what an awesome blog! just signed up to follow you :)
Congratulaions on your first year Jacque. I hope your chemo went well this morning (oops, guess it was yesterday morning now). Very generous candy, someone will be very fortunate to be selected!
Kerry H
WOW, I do not own any of the above! it would be like Christmas in my house :)
Happy Blogobirthday! may it live a long and prosper, just like you :)
I am a follower, as you know, and yes it is linked to my blog.
Thinking of you at this time Jacque - with love and best wishes.
You have become so popular because of your awesome work, sweetie!! Congratulations on all of your followers and so many hits on your blog.
I will post your 'candy' on my blog and keep my fingers crossed that I might be the lucky winner this time :o)
Love, Candy
Hope things get well for you Jacque. Sending you get well wishes and lots of hugs! Keep smiling!
Jacque, my ongratulations on your blogoversary!
Gorgeous candy!!!
Thank you for a chance!!! My link is on a sidebar
sending you positive thoughts as you undergo another chemo session. you are so generous to be thinking of others with this awesome blog birthday candy at this difficult time in your life. thank you for sharing your journey with us. your creations are beautiful and i look forward to reading your posts. good luck to you...
Congratulations on your Blog b-day. Amazing candy and amazing number of followers - but not surprised as you share lovely work and important thoughts. Hope the treatment focuses on making life miserable for the BAD cells without causing you too much inconvenience. Warm thoughts from Denmark.
Happy Blog Birthday!!! You are definitely an inspiration to all of us. I have your blog located on my desktop & also "follow" you so I don't miss any of your amazing creations. May the good Lord hold you in his hands as you go through your chemo. Thank you for the chance to win your candy!!! Peace be with you!!
Happy Blog Birthday Jacque! I would like to thank you for all the inspiration you have given me. I love your work you are such a talented artist! You are such a kind and generous person. Thank you for a chance to win such an awesome prize!
Happy Anniversary! Congratulations on your wonderful blog. Wishing you every future success and kind regards. I know you have the strength to beat this cancer too. Keep going and never give up.
Congrats on your anniversary! Wow, so much yummy candy!!!
Hope you'll feel better from the effects of the therapy soon! Sending you warm thoughts and big hugs!
A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY on your blog here. Sorry to hear, that you have to celebrate the day in the chemochair, but hopefully you´ll be here for the next many to celebrate with us. My thoughts are definitely with you tin this time. May the next year be even a lot more fun and a lot more people visiting your fantastic blog here, which it´s always a pleasure to visit. And thanks sooo much for all the great things, you´re always sharing with all of us, both your great knowledge and the wonderful blogcandy many times. I sure would like to be the lucky one today.
Have a great day Jacque after all it is your birthday.
Happy birthday to you ;) Hope all goes well with your treatment xx You are such an inspiration, thank you
Hello! Happy bearthday on your blog! Your candy is drem!=)
Thank you for sharing all of your wonderful cards! Iam sooo very happy you love Tilda so much-I love all of your wonderful cards with her! And you are such an awesome example to us all!
First of all I wish you the greatest birthday you’ve ever had en secondly I wish there will be many, many birthdays more to come.
I wish you health and strength, a long life and a lot of ideas and creativity so we all can enjoy your beautiful cards.
Many thanks for that.
Lots of love, Wilma Westerbeek.
Happy Blogoversary!
Hope, you will be ok... You are so kind and so talented, that everything with you will be fine!
Happy One Year Blogging, I love all the cards you create, Thank you for the blog candy to win but more importantly wishing you health and happiness. Will denfinately post to my blog.
So happy for your blogaversary! Your cards are truly awesome.Still praying for you!
Phyllis Z
Wow what a shopper you are. I hope your next round of chemo goes well. Your work is amazing!! I love seeing your new creations and drooling on the screen. Take care neighbor.
Lisa W
Wow! what a sweet candy! My congratulations with your Blogoversary!! I am already your follower and I linked your candy in my sidebar! Thanks for the chance to win!
Ohhhhh what fab candy! I hope ypu are doing much better now, that you are not suffering from the effects of chemo right now! Your blog is amazing, and i find it so inspiering to see all the beautiful creations you make, and much more so even how strong you are! God bless!
The candy is linked on my blog (http://mvkvalvag.blogspot.com)
Congratulations on your anniversary! Thoughts and prayers are with you as you go another round with chemo. Your attitude is amazing and will carry you far. Thanks for a chance to win. Your projects are amazing!
Jenny L.
for some reason I have only just got your update for the past two entries- don't know why I seem to get them so late but anyway I hope you survived the chemo OK and are not too ill after it- Happy blogaversary and I will try to put a link on my blog but I am new to all this and still learning so here goes-BTW i am a follower and a subscriber love your creations inspiration- creative and otherwise and all your give aways- thanks for the chance
Happy Anniversary, Jacque -- how wonderful of you to share the opportunity with us, and with such wonderful gifts, too! You have THE best creations and take the time to share them will us all. May God bless you thru your chemo regimen and come out stronger than ever.
Blessings, smiles, love and hugs to you!!
Happy Blog Anniversary, Jacque, and thanks for a chance to win such awesome candy! You are such an inspiration.....you're in my prayers as you go through treatment.
Congratulations on your one year Blog Anniversary. I love your cards!
WOWEE Jacquie, I guess you have been shopping! I can't even imagine! Congrats on your Blogoversary! I'm off to post about it now!
You're such a strong and giving person. Always thinking of others. May God Bless you and keep you strong during these trying times. You are always in my prayers Jacquie.
Biggest Warmest Hugs
Congrats on your one year blog anniversary. I love all your creations. You have given me such inspiration.
I hope your chemo goes well, and you feel better soon. I kinda know what you are going through, my mom had breast cancer. I took her to her many chemo sessions, it is hard. She did lose her battle, but that was over 11 yr ago. I will continue to keep you in my thoughts and prayers...
Congratulations!!!! I'm singing.... Happy Blogiversary.. Happy Blogiversary... And what a stash you have there!!! WOW!! What a lucky person who gets that box in the mail!! Praying for you this morning and the next little while. May you have visions of Maggies dancing in your head while you wait!
Beth Greco
My thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless You! Congratulations on your one year Blog Birthday. Your creations are wonderful! Looking forward to seeing more. And thank you for the chance to win a great stash.
Wow - this is such a generous blogacndy!
Congratulations on your one year blog anniversary. I am a follower and love your blog. Wishing you all the best. Thanks for the chance to win.
Hope all is going well with you, my husband just finished his chemo and we are waiting, which seems an eternity. Happy Blog Birthday and thanks for the chance to win your wonderful stash. You are in my prayers.
How sweet of you to think of all of us while you are having chemo. All my best to you during your treatments. You have been so positive and cheerful during all of this and I am certain that that will mean a positive outcome for you. Thinking of you.
Happy one year blog birthday!!! WOW! So many followers and visits! Many prayers sent your way during this difficult time.
I have been a follower for some time now and your work is great! I posted the candy on my sidebar also! Thanks for a chance to win such lovely candy! It all looks amazing!
My sister is a 5 yr survivor and my thoughts and prayers will be with you. Happy blogaversary and thanks for the chance to win such amazing goodies:) I so love your work!!! thanks for sharing.
I am so inspired by your will and grace of everything that you are going through. Everyone thinks they are going through something and they give up. You are a strong spirited woman whom I admire and gain my inspiration to push forward. You have this in the bag. My prayers and thoughts are with you. I want to wish you a Happy Blogaversary. And the candy is great. Keep up the great work.
Congratulations your BLOG! You are a true inspiration to us all. Hope all goes well today. Thanks for a chance to win such a generous gift.
Happy Blogaversary! Thanks for the chance to win! link in my sidebar and a follower.
Malwina. Germany.
Jacque! You are one amazing woman!!!!! I am soooo happy to be on a team with you and get to know you a little better!!!
This candy rocks!!!! Wow! How generous!!
I hope you are feeling okay this week! I am thinking of you.
Big Hugs to you!
Thanks so much for offering such a wonderful candy to use while you are going through such a struggle yourself. I added your candy to my sidebar!
My thoughts and extra strength are headed your way!
Congrats on your 1 year Blogaversary! You are a great inspiration to all. Firstly your work is wonderful and secondly, the grace and dignity you show while going through chemo is amazing. I have bookmarked your blog and follow it daily. KarenL.
Congratulations on your One Year Milestone. What an incredible candy. Hope your treatment goes okay. I'm already a follower and am off to post this on my blog.
Hi Jacques, and congratulations on your year of blogging. I wish you all the best at this trying time and will remember you in my prayers. It is remarkable that you have thought to add such a large blog candy offering when you have so much else to think about. I am off to add myself to your long and growing list of followers.
Take care,
Tine :)
Hi Jacque hun....good luck with your Chemo treatment today. I hope you get plenty of time to rest after wards. Will be thinking of you today. Big Hugs teamie! :)
Wow, what an amazing candy you are offering. You are far to generous! I will post the picture of the candy and the deadline in my candy jar on the sidebar of my blog. Will also mention it in my post later today. Thanks for the chance! The 29th is my hubby's birthday....not that he would want any crafty goodness, but what a party that would be for me! HA!
Congratulations on your Blog-iversary!!!!! You're creations are always amazing, and give us all great ideas and new things to try.
Above that, though, you are an inspiring person! Blessings to you through this battle--and may you have many many Blog-iversaries yet to come!
Happy Birthday,Jacque! I'm sorry you're spending it in the chemo chair rather than creating something delicious. You will be in my prayers today as you proceed with your treatment. You blog candy is absolutely wonderful! You are so generous. I'm really hoping to win!
Happy Blog birthday..Jacque..
thoughts and prayers are with you
the blog candy looks sooo scrumptious
happy thoughts to you .
Hi Jacque, I must tell you that I enjoy looking at your blog. You do beautiful things. And thank you for the lovely comment you leave at my blog sometimes, it always makes me smile.
Big hugs!
Caroline from Quebec
Oh MY! Lots going on for you, to think about us. How very sweet of you. My thoughts and prayers are with you, Jacque! I hope all goes well. Happy Blogaversary to you! My how time flies.
Our hearts and prayers go out to you! You are a child of God, hang in there he will take care of you! Awesome candy, when do you find the time? Jeananne
Congratulations...on your wonderful blog...you been an inspiration to me. I am a newbie at card making and I am learning somethine new all the time with your blog...You are in my prayers..God Bless...Elaine
Jacque, I do hope your chemo went well and you aren't nauseous today. I hear that is the worst part. My sweet neighbor has been on pain meds and antiemetics after her chemo treatments. I do hope it isn't too bad for you. Happy Blogaversary, too! Wow, has it been a year already?! And all of these followers!! Woot woot! You are one special lady! I am happy to share your special bloggin day with you (yesterday was my bday too) lol :) Hugs, Kel
Happy blogaversary. I am fairly new to the group, but you seem like a very positive person from your blog. i checked your card below out and I love your color choices. Keep up the great work and God be with you during your chemo.
Hugs Abgeluver2
Congratulations Jacque!!! You have so many followers and visitors because you are extremely talented!! A card art genius!!!!
Hoping your chemo went well Jacque! Will def keep you in my prayers!
You are way too generous,We are the ones that should be showering you with gifts with everything you are going through!
You are such an inspiration to all of us!
Thanks for the chance for the candy,Good Luck to all!
Happy Blog Birthday! Love your positiveness due to the whole treatment. Love it when people portray positive outlooks rather than negative. I came across your blog & yup, I became a follower. I'll definitely be dropping around again and checking up your cards & writing. I've enjoyed reading what I've read so far...so I'll come around again, fer sure.
Mit liebe & best wishes
*hugz from Canada*
Oh My Word!!!! What exceptional blog candy. Congratulations on your 1st Anniversary. I followed you from the beginning and what a year it has been. I am so glad that your wonderful creations are appreciated all over the world.
Best of Luck with your treatments and keep up that wonderful positive spirit of yours
Happy Blogaversary!!!!! and WOW now that is some blog candy. You are one talented lady and all of your creations show it. Your blog ROCKS!!! I do not have a blog but you can be sure I will spread the word.
Wishing you the best at this time and you are in my prayers.
Congrats Jacque!! I am a subscriber of yours and LOVE your creations!! Happy Happy 1 year! Praying for your continued strength as you go through chemo. You are truly an inspiration for countless women!
(P.S. Thanks for the opportunity to win this awesome candy)!!!
{hug hug hug}
Happy Blog Birthday. We should be sending you gifts instead of you offering us gifts. Your blog is such an inspiration to me. I have had you in my prayers for quite some time and hope today is an easy chemo day. Thanks for the opportunity to win some awesome gifts.
Happy Blogaversary to you!!! You are one popular lady!! And prayers to you at this time...
Happy Blog Day! Apr.12 is my 35 ann.
Hope all goes well for you.Hope you have a great Blog Day.That candy looks awesome.I love candy!.
Happy Blog Anniversary! Thanks for the opportunity to win such wonderful blog candy. I always enjoy droping by.
Sending you positive thoughts and prayers.
a pesar de la diferencia horaria que tenemos, aca estoy presente para saludar y felicitar por este momento... y compartir este blog en mi facebook ya que no tengo blog, espero poder seguir compartiendo sus hermosos trabajos... saludo desde cordoba, argentina
lorena luque
Boy thats a nice thing you are doing, what a candy.
Happy Blog aversery.
I have enjoyed all your wonderful creations and tips and look forward to seeing more through this 2nd yr of your blog.
Your a wonderful lady and so talented. I only hope I can get as good as you are some day.
Congrats on your Blogaversary! I will be praying for you. My best friend just went in yesterday to have a mass removed. They believe they got it all. Praise God! Your a wonderful talented lady and very generous too!
Wow, you are amazing with your work. Congratulations on one year and many to come. Great blog candy too, I hope I win
WooHoo!! I yr! Happy Anniversary. Hope your chemo goes well w/o lots of side effects. I will be adding a link on my blog! :)
Happy blogaversary. I am already a follower and I just love your work. Your cards are always amazing. I will put a link in my blog and take care of yourself.
Hugs, Line
Congratulations on hitting your 1 year blogaversary!!! Your work is simply beautiful and so are you!!! May all of your days be filled with joy and happiness for your amazsing generosity...you rock girl!!!
Thanks for the chance to win such an amazing gift.
Thanks for your inspiration in card making and in your attitude toward your battle with cancer. Keep up the good fight!
My thoughts and prayers are with you, Jacque, as you embark on the next "corner" of your journey. Just know that ALL of us out here in Maggie Land have you in our hearts today and all during your journey. You are an inspiration and I cannot get over how generous you are to your fans. I AM a follower! Due to restrictions by the company I represent, I cannot put a link to your blog on my blog. But if I could, I would! I hope that does not exclude me from your Candy Draw.
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