Sunday, April 12, 2009

Welcome to YOU and ME!!

Perhaps it is time for me to join the "age of technology" and make it easier to post my Magnolia cards for all to see and critique. I must admit that I much prefer cutting and glueing to writing all about it--I'm sure I will have to ask the experts for proper terminology to use when explaining myself --so hopefully you all will bear with me. If you ever have questions, please don't fail to ask me for explanation or clarification. I would love to hear from you!!

I discovered stamping and cardmaking this past November so I am very much a neophyte in this arena. On my wanderings around the internet I found myself in the Magnolia-licious Yahoo site and was welcomed to the Land of Magnolia Addiction by all the members! I met my "Magnolia Mentor" who sent me the first images I had ever had and I began coloring them and glueing them into some semblance of a card. With her help and constant support and confidence, I now know the difference between Elmer's glue and Scor-Tape, the difference between notebook paper and Bazzill cardstock, and certainly the difference between Crayolas and Copics, I think. As a matter of fact the very first card I EVER made was a thank you note to her in December and which is in my Yahoo album.

Having made that first card I was truly in love with those cute little round faces with no mouths and was discovering the unique characteristics of Copic markers. I would never have believed that at this point in my life that I would be so taken with coloring paperdolls!! But like many of you, there are never enough Maggies no matter if you have them ALL!! I am a retired college professor so maybe that explains my eccentricities...I LOVE PAPER AND COLORING IMPLEMENTS!! When shopping, the very first place I have always gone is the School Supplies now on the cardmaking adventure, I find myself looking in faraway and strange places for unique items and ideas to use on my cards...antique shops, frou-frou shops, hardware stores, junque shops...etc.

For my very first blog I will share with you a little bit more about my most successful as well as my latest card in my SCS gallery...GOSH it had 30 comments and favorited by almost 20!!!! I will attempt for the first time to give you a bit more detail on this Magnolia cutie, Tilda With Hat from The Love Collection 2009 which is available at Magnolia-licious. A number of you have asked if I would walk you through how I make cards so this is my first attempt. The cardstock I used is Bazzill and all of the DP is actually a set of wrapping papers that I adhered to the pink and green cardstock with Scor-Tape (that stuff is magical!!!) Admittedly, I am a paper freak and am so taken by unique and out of the ordinary papers that usually I can't even remember where I bought paper, much less the name of it. I do order alot of paper from Europe at the web stores since the closest LSS is about 20 miles away. After making all of the major portions of the card (both inside and outside) I stitched around all backgrounds in gold metallic thread on my Janome mini.

I then used a pre-printed wreath from FlowerSoft (Edwardian Elegance - Ovals),which I trimmed and cut out, and mixed several shades of the FlowerSoft to match the colors in the DP, placing it in a particular pattern to look like trailing roses. I have discovered that rarely can I use FlowerSoft just as it arrives in the jars--I have to mix some together to get the right shades. After the glue was dry I selected a tiny silk ribbon and starting at the top and glue-tacked it around the wreath (using popsicle sticks as lifters) to the point where I wanted little Tilda to sit...I also added a length of the same tiny ribbon as Tilda's perch. I colored Tilda with Copics, popped her up on dimensionals, and added her to the wreath. I then placed a wider contrasting ribbon across the card and added the bow with rose to match the roses in the DP and placed the wreath, popped up on dimensionals, on top of that ribbon...To finish the front I added flat-backed pearls in the corners.

On the inside, again I used papers from the wrapping paper set, stitched both sides with gold metallic thread, cut yet another piece of wrapping paper for the oval nestie for a place to jot a note and placed the same kind of ribbon on the other side fancied up a bit with a pearl and sparkle flower. Again, pearls on all the corners.. Voila!! A card is born!!! Gosh, that was easier and faster to write about than to make the card!! I must be way too slow and deliberate when I make a card, as it certainly takes me a LONG time...sigh

Just a couple of notes I will make: My cards are usually quite a number of layers of matting as well as layers on my images. I tend to put as much time on the insides of my cards as I do on the outside. This may or may not be your preference as well. I tend to believe that design is a very personal matter and I am sure there are many who would not like to pay the extra postage to mail my kind of card and detest the layering and ditzy things I add to my cards!! I am such an enigma that I can never decide when I am finished with a card....

I hope this has been helpful to you as you try to figure out the madness of my cardmaking...and I welcome you to join me on my NEW adventure in Cyberia!!


Chris (catt871) said...

Congratulations my friend!!!! I'm honoured to be your FIRST follower!!!!!! Can't wait to see the rest of your cards & ramblings - I'm sure you are going to make us all laugh with your FABBY sense of humour!!! Love you!

Danni said...

Ohhhhh YAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!! YOu just made my day!! Now I can keep up with your gorgeous creations better!! YAYYYYYYYYYY!! Welcome to blogland!

Shawn said...

OMG you did it....Yeah. It looks great. I loved reading how you put your masterpiece together. I plan to visit here often!

Sharon Caudle said...

Oh my goodness gracious! I'm so happy you finally ventured into blogland!!! I'm soooo HAPPY!!!! Now at least I know exactly where to keep up with at! LOL! Happy Easter my friend! Big hugs!!!!

Unknown said...

You go girl! I am tickled pink to be visiting your blog. Thanks for your bio. I will be visiting often.
Sharon L

Laurel said...

Welcome to blogland - my blog is lonely because I do not post often enough - so I need to really get going on it to! Love knowing the story behind your lovely card!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jacque on what starts as a fab blog. I will follow with interest.
Keep up the fab work.
Sam xx

Rachel said...

Yay jacque!!! you have begun a fabulous blog!! Congratulations!!!!

marsha said...

Your blog is wonderful - welcome to cyberspace! I love your Tilda card and I think it is very important to be "yourself" in your designs.


Jessica G. said...

Welcome to the blogging world, Jacque! Wonderful first post!!

Candy said...

Dear Jacque,

Now this is an EASTER GIFT for sure!!!!

I can't believe you have started a blog and I am so THRILLED you have bitten the bullet and done so.

I know that I will be here as soon as a new card has been posted. With your great wit, it is going to be a blast reading all about how you have made each card. It is going to be a very happy place to visit.

Your cards are some of the best I have seen. I am so happy they will all be in one place for everyone to look at and comment. I just know you are going to be very successful with this endevor.

Please continue to be true to yourself as you make your masterpieces. That is what makes them so wonderful.

Much Love and 'Cheers' to you on the wonderful adventure of blogging.

Cami said...

Jacque, Congratulations on your blog! Now I can go back and forth and use this as my "reference library" of all the wonderful projects you create. I love all the details you posted in making this beautiful card here. All the time you spend in making a card is shown very well in the beautiful outcome. I am so happy you joined blogland, and wish you Easter Blessings, as your blog is a blessing to all your fans. Hugs, Cami

Claudia said...

Wow Jacque,Fabulous fabulous!!! I am so happy that you have made a BLOG. I too am Blog challenged but am giving it a try..
BUT I digress...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, your cards!! NOW, I can see them even more. Thanks...I think you are my idol,

Tricia said...

Oh, wonderful!!!!! :-) I loved reading about your card and you. You definitely have been given a gift for cardmaking and I'm so glad that you are willing to share it with us!!



smallcity said...

Wow, Wow, Wow, your blog is fantastic. I can't wait to read it. Your work is beautiful.


Sally Lynn MacDonald said...

I love all the details you put into your work. Thank you for adding your delicious artwork to the blogosphere! I will be sure to follow along with the others in enjoying your creations.

cathy said...

Your card is amazing! I would never guess that you have been doing this such a short time. I just started a blog for the first time too, so I will be watching for hints you receive to help me learn as well.

Shelly Schmidt said...

I Love your blog so far- will have to subscribe so I can keep up with your outstanding- stunning cards! I still cannot believe you just started stamping, and you are making such fabulous cards. I cannot wait to see what you make next! Thanks for sharing your talent and for being my inspiration for future cards!

Anonymous said...

Jacque!!!! How awesome!! Oh I love the inside as much as the outside!!! Congrats on your Blog!!! Your truely are amazing!!!

Big Hugs

Kerry D-C said...

yaaaaay! So happy that you have started a blog! This is one GORGEOUS card! I think it is funny that you are still sticking with this "I just started making cards 6 months ago" story! Waaaahahahahahahahaaaaaa!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love your card AND your blog!! How exciting! The wreath that Tilda is mounted on is GORGEOUS and your choice of papers is fantastic. Glad you have a blog...Congrats! :)

(Thank you for adding the Copic Challenge blog to your sidebar ~ I appreciate it!)

Julie said...

I am so glad you joined the age of technology. I love your cards and look forward to following your blog.


MarieL said...

Jacque, what a beautiful blog. I am glad you made the big move. Can't wait to see all your creations at "your place".

Congratulations !!!

Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS, my friend!!!! Love the title, content and layout!! There is a lot of love for you out there, girl. You are an inspiration to all of us. Hugs, Christina

Christine Riley said...

Congrats on your new blog! I'm so excited to see your work and let me just say . . . WOW! What a gorgeou and elegant card, I love it!
Hugs, Christine :)

Crissy Armstrong said...

Oh my goodness, wow. Look at the oval framing and how you made it look like a garden archway... wow. Its beautiful! I love the interwoven ribbon and flowers together. The colors of the card are so feminine and soft looking, adding to the romantic theme. This is outstanding!

Cheryl said...

Congratulations, Jacque! Your blog is terrific! This is a wonderful card to start with! It's a masterpeice! Cheryl

Kim said...

Jacque~ I so remember this one from PCP! I adore this card and am a HUGE admirer of your work! WOW...I wish I knew how to play with flowersoft like that! Amazing and such STUNNING work hun! Love love love love it!!!!
Hugs~ Kim

Rosette said...

Oh yeah... and YOU seem to need my help!! I come her the first time... you already have 30 folloewers, and your 1st card blogged has 28 commentsd!!! Holy cow!!! I WILL NEED your help babe!!! :))

Phew.. will have to catch up with you!! And by the way... this card... c'est magnifique!!! :)

Anonymous said...

oh my .Congratulations, Your blog is out of this world . i loved it and enjoyed the time looking .
hugs sandy.o

Lorraine Mcneil said...

Wow. I have just found your blog through this blog hop and WOO HOO..... Brilliant, fantastic, sensational, SUBSCRIBED....