Monday, August 25, 2014

WINNERS of Rosy Cheek Emma!!!!!

Happy Monday, everyone!!! I hope you all had a magnificent weekend and have started a great week! Gosh, I have a busy week underway and am loving each moment!!

Thank you all for dropping by to leave comments on my little Emma card...I appreciate you so very much!!!

Mr has made his selection of the winners of the absolutely darling digi Rosy Cheek Emma from the wonderful

And the winners are.......

Congratulations, Ladies!!! Please leave a comment on this posting so that others know you have claimed your prize and send me an email with your email information before Wednesday, August 27 at midnight ET so that I can have your digi mailed to you right away!!

Hugs to all and hope to see you all again real soon!!!


  1. Cool! I'm happy to be one of the winners! I think I will be using her soon! Thanks!

  2. Congrats to all the lucky ladies here. You´re in for a real treat ladies, these images are sooo beautiful and great to work with.

  3. Congratulations to all the lucky winners!!

  4. WOW thrilled to win. Thank you so much !!
    Off to email you
    Dr Sonia
    Cards Crafts Kids Projects

  5. aww thank you iamso happy..
    you can mail me at

    thank you so much

  6. Oh wow thanks was just comiing to congratulate you on the dt. I will email you

  7. You always give such great gifts and love your stores.
