Monday, November 2, 2009

Papilio and Some Sweet Stuff for YOU from a Happy ME!!!!

A very Happy Monday, everyone!! I would like to thank everyone who has written of your concerns about my Dad. He is out of the hospital and back in the Life Care Center but is not doing well at all. He is very confused and has alot of difficulty with mobility...can't use a fork or spoon now and can't pick up a glass...So he is back in therapy to see if there will be any improvement. Please continue to keep him in your thoughts.

I am hoping that you find this posting a special one because it is special to me for a couple of reasons!! I am very humbled that Siv at Steffens AS, a marvelous shop in Norway, asked me to showcase a Papilio stamp and she even made all arrangements for me to receive this lovely collection...Thank, Siv!! Hugs, and congratulations on your 3 year anniversary of the shop. This just may be the very first preview of this darling Nisse in all of

For my card I used Bazzill for the base, Prismatics and SU for all matting, and the DP is the new, gorgeous SEI Christmas Mint Collection which was a gift from Suzan. I machine stitched all major panels in RED. All coloring is Copics and Spica. I have used Crushed Velvet for all of the snow and all charms and dew drops are from Jayne at Crafty Feeling.

When I first received the stamps I thought that they were Santa but upon closer examination and research I find that this cute and sweet Nisse is really a little gnome who at Christmastime guards all of the farm animals and plays tricks on the children if they forget to place a bowl of porridge out for him. I even had to find out how to color cap, dark knickers, a tweedy sweater or vest and gray beard. So I hope that all of my Scandinavian friends will let me know how I did!!

NOTE: The incredibly talented Malin is the designer of this stamp and leaves a comment below to give a bit more information on Nisse. Malin, thank you so much for such a kind, sweet, and informative comment.

On the front I also used some lovely poinsettias which I colored with Fire Engine Red Shimmerz, some red flower trim that I made into mini-poinsettias with dots of acrylic paint in the centers, a new MS garden trellis deep edge punch, a touch of sparkle trim, and red organza ribbon. If I forget anything, just email me!!

On the inside of the card, just more of the same BUT I also used another stamp from the collection on the jotting spot...this time the Christmas Goat which is really another gnome but dressed as a goat like creature...both of these traditions harken back to Viking times and are precursors to St Nicholas. These little goats are traditionally made from the last shafts of the harvest crops and symbolize the power of rejuvenation (I need lots of and fertility (and none of these....hahah)

Gosh I love to read about these traditions from all of the countries...sooooo interesting!!!! So I hope you have enjoyed hearing about them in a synopsis form!!

AND now for the other SPECIAL reason for this post:
(although I am about a week late)

I am celebrating my 6 month Blog Anniversary and I am so happy and humbled that I have had more than 58,000 visits and have more than 340 Followers!! Thank you so much to each of you!!! So I would like to give you an opportunity to win a Holiday Package from me which you see below!!!

Martha Stewart 2009 Snowmen Edge Punch
Martha Stewart 2009 Himalayan Snowflake Punch
Martha Stewart 2009 Ornament Edge Punch
BG Eskimo Kisses 6X6 Paper Pad
BG Eskimo Kisses Painted Brads
BG Eskimo Kisses Colored Buttons
BG Eskimo Stitched Brads
5 yards Matching Ribbons
4 Matching Stickles
1 Magnolia Christmas Stamp of your choice from Magnolia-licious
1 Belles 'n Whistles Christmas Stamp of your choice from Belles 'n Whistles
Collection of gold and silver Christmas charms

In order to be eligible for the Sweet Stuff, I am asking that you leave a comment for me on this posting, that you consider being a follower, and that you mention and show the Holiday Package on your personal blog if you have one. I will select the winner with Random.Org at midnight on Sunday, November 15 at Midnight EST. I will ship world-wide. Good luck!!!

Thank you so much for dropping by to see me today and please know that I always love to hear from you. May you have a delightful week and return to see me often...Big hugs from me to YOU!!!


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Victoria said...

Stunning card Jacques. I think your creations and designs are stunning! Congrats on your 6 month anniversary and thanks for offering such generous candy. I am now a follower {can't wait to see your future creations} and have linked your candy on my side bar!
Hugs, Vicky ~x~

Lol said...

Yet another stunning blog to follow just so many talented people out there. Congrats on the blogversary! Thanks for the chance to win all these lovely goodies.

Hugs Lol xxx

Amanda said...

Found your blog through a friend's blog (Sharon's Kardz Korner) and love what I see here. So much detail on these cards! Love the vibrant red. Congrats on so many hits in such a short period! I'm off to post the candy on my sidebar and am a follower. Gonna subscribe to e-mail updates too, best way to stay up to date on what's happening on your blog. Be stong and all of the best!

rinat said...

your cards are so wonderful,
Happy Blog-versary.

celia said...

Wow Jacque's, I'd like to take a change to win your candy and following your blog is so easy with all these beautiful cards!Thanks so much for the candy!

Maris said...

what a great candy and you have a nice blog.
visiting via bev"s blog, and i put your candy on mine.
thanks for giving the chance to win xxxx

sue said...

wow fab candy thanks for the chance to win, off to link you up to my blog

Martha said...

Hi, It's the first time for my to visit your blog but not the last!
I'm verry happy that I found your blog. Congrads for your blog anniversery and wath a wonderful candy. Someone will be verry happy!
I'm now a follower and I placed a link on my blog.

With love, Martha

Steph said...

Congratulations on your 6 month a versary! I can see some fabulous creations on your blog - keep it up. x Please include me in your candy draw, I love the colours of everything - thanks for the chnace. x

Anne H. said...

Your card is gorgeous! And you have such a lovely Candy - thanks for the chance to win.
You have a lovely blog and your paperwork is stunning! I love the colors and all the lovely details.
Take care xx
Anne -:)

Dunja Trautmann said...

Dear Jacque,

I do not trust my eyes nearly. That is an absolutely great Candy.
A dream it would be to be won. Your blog pleases me very well and I looks often times here past. Thanks for your chance on this brilliante Candy.
I works for my life gladly, that already for so many years. I hope, I have luck.

Have a good time and dearest greetings from Germany

Mo said...

Jacque, your candy ist gorgeous, wow...!!! Thanks a lot for the chance to win it!

Dawn Loring said...

Only just discovered your blog, via BevR all the things I love and WOW what wonderful, inspriational cards you make too. Another blog to visit on my hop around the world

Lorraine A said...

Oh I am so sorry your Dad is poorly ,, hope he picks up ,, x x

Congratulations !! These images are gorgeous !! I hope they become more available !! Fabulous :-)

Whoever wins this FANTASTIC candy is going to be absolutely thrilled !! I would love to win this lovely lot :-)
I am already a follower and will pop a link on my blog right now :-)
Lols x x

Unknown said...

Hi Jacque
I have found your blog by a lucky accident and I love your stuff. Sorry to hear about your dad, fingers crossed he makes some improvement soon. What lovely candy you have on offer. I cannot believe you have so many followers and you've only been blogging for such a short time - couldn't direct some of them my way could you??? LOL.
I will put a link on my sidebar
Dawn xxxx

Ellen said...

Wowwwww Jacque,


I really can't believe my eyes!!! Such a amazing price!!!! I wish you and your family all the best!!!!

Thanks for the change to win.


Carrie said...

Link added - What a great blog - very talented!

Renee said...

Happy Blogoversary! You are extremely generous to give away these lovely goodies. Have a lovely day, I'm linking your candy on my sidebar!
greetings from vienna

Alice said...

Hi Jacque, wonderful card, I love the colors you have used and the stamp! He really seems to be Santa but he isn't :) I already am a follower of your blog, I often come to see what you have created :) And i've just put a photo with a link to my candybar. Thanks for a chance to win this fab fab fab candy!!!!
Alice from Italy

dragon said...

Wonderful card Jacqueline,
I must remember to put some porridge out before bed on a night....!
I have enough horrors with my hubby to deal with...!
Love the festive colours too.

Lynn xx

Anonymous said...

I don't have a blog , but just wanted to leave a comment on your wonderful work, I came acroos you whilst looking on another blog and have now put you in my fave blog list. I sincerely hope your Dad responds to the therapy he is receiving, and will keep him and your family in my thoughts and prayers, and congratulations on your blogversary..hugs Kath ( Scotland )

COCO said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary!Great candy, thanks for the chance to win it!i become your follower and I linked your great candy on my sidebar on my blog!
Big hugs coco

Robyn said...

Wow, great candy. Thanks so much for the chance. have become a follower and look forward to receiving your updates.

Tonje said...

I think you did great on the Nisse! He looks just perfect to me!

I've linked your candy in the sidebar on my blog, and I've become a follower of your very nice blog. Thanks for the chance to win all these goodies.

Yana said...

Hope your dad will get better soon.

Interesting traditions indeed.
In Russia, there is Father Frost with his grand daugther Snowgirl. They visiting homes at New Years Eve and play with children. Most kids prepare for that day. They are learning some songs and rhymes to sing and to tell Father Frost to get a candy present.

Your card is very sweet. And amazing details and colouring!

And generous candy! Oh, i wish!!!

Helena (Gvendalen) said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary.
Awesome card and fabulous candy! I'm follower and I've a link your candy to my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win.

Anneke klerks said...

I am a follower of your blo and your candy is on myn blog.

beatyful cards you make, absolut very pretty

greetings anneke

Me-Ma Kim said...

WOW! You are Amazing! I hope your fathers health improves! Thoughts are with you. Kristie sent me over and I am now a follower and will go post your "goodies" on my Blog:
Thanks so much for a chance to win!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful card and I loved reading about the traditions. Love your blog!!


Татьяна Шаргородская said...

Hello! Congratulations to you! What's a candy! I've made a post about it in my blog:
And I'm your Follower!
Thanks for a chance to win!


Project Create said...

What a wonderful blog candy offering. I will sign up to followyour blog. Thanks for the chance to win

thread-bare said...

Oh my goodness what a fantastic candy. I also adore your cards on your blog. Am definately going become a follower of your blog as it is so inspiring. I am keeping my fingers crossed for your fabby stash & adding a link on my sidebar x Clare x

Gunilla/Nilla said...

Have to do some scrolling to get down here;=D!!
This CANDY is awesome sweetie. Can´t say it to many times "you are one of the kindest person"!!♥♥
I just love your card. All thoose marvelous details and the stamp is so very cute.
It´s snowing here today, love it, NOT NOT!!!
Take care my friend and have a lovely day.
Big hug to you from me/Gunilla
I have ordered and payed just waiting for delivery!!!

Linda said...

Wow...just "stumbled" upon your blog....adding you as a subscription to my reader where I get ideas to CASE :) My blog is under followers yet and still figuring it out in the limited time I have when I'm not working still putting our kids through college :) I spent the day yesterday which was a treat making my Thanksgiving cards to send to my clients!! I'll follow as are very generous! I'll remember this as a way to get followers once I get to the point I'm opening up my blog :) and can keep up with it.

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing your love of papercrafts with us. I don't have a blog but would like to be put in for the wonderful drawing. I will keep your father in my prayers. God bless!

Clare with paint in her hair said...

Love your blog, thanks for the chance.

Hope your dad gets better real soon.

marsha said...

Super blog candy and congratulations on your 60 month anniversary!

Anonymous said...

perhaps it would be handy if I start a blog too,
I visit your blog every day and I love it.
You're a real inspiration !

Love, Wilma

Melissa S said...

I just stumbled onto your blog by chance. And WOW am I ever impressed with your talent. I will become a follower. I'm also linking your beautiful blog's awesome candy to the sidebar of my blog.


Rochelle said...

Your card is adorable! Thanks for sharing your talent. I'm now a follower and you are the leader :-) Thanks for the opportunity to win such an awesome blog candy prize. Congratulations on your blogaversary!!!


Diamantin said...

Thank you for the chance to win such a beautiful candy… I posted your candy on my sidebar.

Anonymous said...

Has it been 6 months already? Congratulations! Your cards are always awesome and I'm so glad you share and inspire. Of course your Magnolia's are my favorite as they touch my heart too! Thanks for the opprotunity too to win such lovely candy...I would post it on my blog if I had one!!


Marija - Marička said...

What a wonderful card!
And what an amazing candy!

Congratulations on your Blog Anniversary! I'm a follower now and I linked you on my sidebar.


Anonymous said...

Hya Jaque This is my First time commenting and seeing your Great Blogg. Thanks so much for giving me a chance in the draw for this fab Candy proze. I`m looking forward to visiting your site regularly . Hugs Caz ( Miduck) xx

Mariyca said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary! Great candy, thanks for the chance to win it!
I'm a follower now and I linked you on my sidebar.
Your blog is wunderful!

BojaMoja said...

wooowww what a candy!!!! Congrats for 6 months blogaversity, followers and viewers!!

Polla said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary!
Fantastic candy, thanks for the chance to win it!
I'm your follower already and I linked your great candy in my blog:

noga said...

i don't have a blog, but i'm a new follower.... thanks for the great candy

Marie x said...

Wow... what a fantastic blog... your cards a beautiful. Thanks you so much for offering such fab candy. I am a follower and I have put piccy in my sidebar.
Marie x

Lisaa728 said...

Jacque your work is wonderful! I am so glad Bev pointed us in your direction! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your father. I completely understand how difficult it is to have to watch your parents age and go thru the health issues. Thank you so much for the fabulous candy! I will be following you thru google! Take care!
Lisa xoxo

Unknown said...

What a great blog you have, I am glad I have found it, Wonderful cards too.
I am now following and I have added a link from my blog to yours.

Hugs Fiona xx

Brenda said...

wonderful card. wonderful candy, and wonderful blog, I am happy to have found it!!

Anonymous said...

Your card is amazing and I loved hearing a little about Scaninavian holiday traditions. What a generous blog candy package you have. Hope all is going better with your father.


Agustina said...

WOW!!! wonderful talent you have, and also what a wonderful blog candy you are offering. You are so generous. Thank you!! Hoping you father better health. {{HUGS}}

Anonymous said...

The colors is stunning an card and candy is delicious

gengen said...

You have amazing place here i like...

I am your follower already as momgen. and also I blog about it here:

WrappedUpNStampin said...

I do not have a blog, but OMGoodness, I just found your amazing blog and immediately subscribed. IF I win, I will certainly give this awesome candy a good home. Thanks for the chance.

kat9 said...

Wonderful candy and great blog. I will make sure to add you to my blog.


Unknown said...

wow what a splendid card right up my street....and my thoughts and prayers are with you and your dad..... i have a new memories and thoughts blog so i will post your news there to say we are thinking of you if thats ok..also my word what super candy...this is right up my street too ... i wont put weight back on with this sort of candy i will have to follow you just so i dont miss out on your lovely creations and will link you in my side bar..loved the story to hear traditions...hugs sassyxx

Anonymous said...

Keeping your poor dad in my thoughts and prayers. And sending you hugs cos I know what a worry it is when a close relative is unwell.

Your card is awesome. Would love to link you to my blog, but I don't have one - yet!!!

Pam x

Dusia said...

great candy,thanks for chance to win
i have become a follower

Unknown said...

Wow! Your cards and crafting are beautiful! I have been browsing around the internet for an hour or so and your stuff is definately the most stunning christmas crafts. I would love to win your holiday package, it looks wonderful. Thank you for the chance. I have become a follower and look forward to your next beautiful creations!

אורית said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jackie said...

Congratulations on you blog anniversary and such wonderful candy for us to win. Thanks for being so very, very generous.

Mamawheelie said...

Your work is so beautiful! I'm glad my friend Kristie (you're here somewhere, right? *grin*) posted a link on Facebook! I haven't been very bloggy lately, but your work is inspiring.
Thank you!

tanja said...

This is just a wonderful card, and adorable image!! Love the embellishments you used and the pretty paper too!! What a fantastic giveaway!!
by by tanja

Anonymous said...

I am thrilled to become a new follower of your blog and appreciate the chance to maybe win the ginormous blog candy....a Merry Christmas, indeed.

Joyce B.

אורית said...

I'm new to your blog and I lone it - you've got great work. I understand that your father is ill so I hope he will get better soon. I became one of your followers and put a link at my blog. Thank you for the chance to win .

cricri said...

beautiful card !! congrutulations for lthe blog anniversary

thank you for blog candy

Marie said...

Merveilleux blog candy pour un superbe blog que je découvre par hasard ; je tente ma chance.
au plaisir d'une prochaine visite.
je vais de suite mettre le lien sur mon blog.

PatsyB said...

With this goody collection, it could be an early Christmas for someone. Congrats on your blog milestone and I am so glad I found your site. Great cards and I just joined as a follower!

PatsyB said...

With this collection of goodies, it will be an early Christmas for someone!! What a great blog you have. It's no wonder that you have so many followers and so many hits! I have joined the followers since I just found your blog and I love it!!!

Лисичка said...

Wow! It's beatiful candy!!!!
Thank you for the opportunity!

Welcome to my blog:

Ezmina said...

Congrats on your 6 month Anniversary!!!
Here's to many more:)
What a generous giveaway!!

Carol Meadows said...

Wow!! That's some candy. I am now a follower and I have a blog just not sure about doing the link thing to it to show the pic..... sorry, I will try it & see. Really cute card and congrats!!! Carol M in TX /

Unknown said...

I love Magnolia stamps too and love your cards - so much inspiration! I am now a follower for sure! Congrats on all your hits and followers too.
Hugs from Kelowna, BC

Shazza said...

WOW found my way here from Bev's blog and am so glad I did. Your card is stunning, so much detail and I loved hearing about the traditions. ALso the chance to win fabulous candy, so generous.
I will of course become a follower and am off to post about your candy on my blog right now

Shazza said...

Oops, me again. Forgot to say happy Blogoversary and I hope your dad improves soon

Charlie said...

That is a really awesome prize package!

Shelly said...

My thoughts are with you and your father. This has to be so hard.

Congrats on your amazing number of blog hits. I know I come, because I enjoy your lovely cards and you chat about interesting things.

Your blog candy is wonderfully generous! Thank you for a chance to win it. I've linked it in my side bar.

Archies Mum said...

Wow what amazing candy. Congratulations with all the followers, and what an amazing number of hits. Would love to be in with a chance of winning your candy. I have put you on my blog now and added myself as a follower.

Scrapbookdoll said...

I just found your blog, you make amazing cards and projects, i would love to see more and i will become a follower, i don't have a blog

shortyrose said...

Hi Jacque,

I like your blog. I'm a follower for some time.
I linked your candy on my sidebar.
Thanks for the chance to win this great candy.

Greetings from Germany

Anonymous said...

congrats on your annivesary. love those stamps myself and have many. Let me know if you find a 12 step plan...I REALLY need it for my addiction to stamps!! Good luck for the future with your blog..doubt if you will need it. Love your blog. ekc

TinaB said...

Beautiful Blog and stunning cards, I have posted your candy on my blog xxx

Juliwan said...

Gorgeous card, would give it pride of place on my mantle. Thanks for sharing

Unknown said...

I was walking around a little and suddenly saw your beautiful website. Needless to say that I became one of your many followers :-)
Thanks for the opportunity of winning this wonderful candy. I have placed a link on my blog.
Lots of greetz from the Netherlands and I hope that your father will soon be more at ease. I know what you must be going through...

Cheryl said...

The card is so beautiful, and the candy would be so much fun to win. Will remember your dad in my prayers. I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord..

Amanda said...

What wonderful candy - a lovely way to celebrate & share your blogging success.

MARIELA said...

Hi! I would love to participate in your giveaway! thanks for the chance to win!! A kiss from Argentina

Bribrie said...

C'est vraiment un trés beau lot cet ensemble ! Quelle générosité ! Bonne chance à toutes les participantes...

Anneke said...

Hi Jacque,

I hope your father will be okay soon! I love your card, the colours are fabulous. And of course I love, love, love your candy.

Hugs, Anneke

Anonymous said...

Love your card. I also am addicted to Magnolias. Thanks for all of your wonderful ideas.

Carolyn Sharkas said...

I just found out about your blog, but definitely will become a follower. Your work is absolutely beautiful. thanks for the opportunity to win such awesome candy, also.

May God bless your father, and help him to get better.

Kristin said...

Lucky you who have received those lovely stamps! They're so sweet, and I'm looking forward to seeing what else you'll be making with them! :)

Thanks for the chance to win this awesome candy! I love every bit of it! ;)

ChrisaBella said...

I am going to become a follower. The blog candy is awesome! I will attempt to link the picture to my blog. (Sometimes me and the computer have little spats. LOL)
Here is my blog:

Pink Dandelion said...

Hi Jacque, this is a gorgeous card, I love the traditional colours you have used. Many thanks for the chance to win this yummy candy, you are so generous. Best wishes to you and your family. Debs xx

Anonymous said...

Hello Jacquie... I've just happen to know about your blog, through other blogger. I really like your work; it's a great inspiration. Thanks for sharing your talent. I don't have a blog but I certainly will subscribe to yours and will follow your work and will tell others. Thanks for the opportunity to win some candy too. Love from Puerto Rico... Edelmira (

Jemma said...

Awww wow your candy is gorgeous! the perfect christmas treat!! love the punches, stamps, charms and... ooh i love it all! definitely keeping my fingers crossed for this one. Thank you so much for the opportunity and i've been browsing through your blog and your cards are just absolutely gorgeous! I have become a follower so i can keep track of all your future beautiful creations. I've linked you to my blog also.

Thanks again

Jemma x

Rosette said...

Oh my... faint!!!!!
This is too good to be true Jacque.. you are simply an angel on Earth!! Wow!! The card is gorgeous.. sooo beautiful.. and the candy.. sooo yummy!! you are amazing!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad I found your blog. Love your bright colors and the post are so interresting.I have signed up for email updates, I don't want to miss anything.
Thanks for a chance to win some awesome Candy! Wow.
Sandra B

Nana said...

Hi A friend sent me your blog... Wow great talent you have. I have put you into my favorities. I don't have a blog as of yet, but I will put you on my facebook.
Thank you for the chance to win the candy blog.
Take care and have a good day.
Cheryl Williams

zolushka said...

Congrats on your 6 months Anniversary!
Thank you for the opportunity to win such lovely blog candy!

Victoria said...

wow this is amazing candy have linked on my blog, i adore your work and would love to win this prize hugs xxx

ScrapFia said...

Hi and big greetings from a snowy Sweden!! I have been here at your blog several times, but this time I had to write something too, not only because om your faboulus candy ;) I also want to give you some courage so you'll be able to deal with your dad's illness.
I wish all the best for you and your family!
With love and a lot of hugs - Eva

CraftinGranny said...

Happy anniversary! What a cute card and I definitely have to check out those stamps.
I have become a follower and am linking your candy to my sidebar as soon as I post this comment. Thanks for the opportunity to win the yummy candy but more importantly for sharing your talents.
"Hugs" Granny

Domna said...

Hi,Jucque! Congrats! Link in my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win!

Doris said...

Wow what an incredible prize! Congrats on the blogaversary. I think I'm already a follower but am on my way to double check and if not, to add me to the list. I do have a blog and will try to add it to my blog also - though I'm very new at this and have lots to learn.

Doris said...

Wow what an incredible prize! Congrats on the blogaversary. I'm pretty sure I'm a follower, but off to check to make sure and if not, signing up now. I have a blog and will add the link but I'm new at this and have lots to learn.

Dol4i said...

Greetings from Ukrainy.Oy any candy))) I should be the sword of victory)))) Thank you for the opportunity to win such a miracle!
I have become a follower and linked your candy to my sidebar.
Dol4i xxx

Beverley said...

Congratulations on your 6 month blogaversary!gorgeous candy, thanks for the chance to win!i have become a follower and I have linked your candy on my sidebar
Bev x

Rene said...

Hi Jacque from Australia, I will be keeping your Dad in my prayers and hope he will get better soon.
Your cards are truly amazing, the detail, the colouring. They are beautiful.
Rene xo

Donna said...

Just found your blog. Really enjoying it. Love the little charms you add to your cards. Congratulations on your six months anniversary. Thanks for the chance to win.

Peninia / Gosia said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary!
Great candy, thanks for the chance to win it!

mariska said...

Hello Jacque,

Congratulations on your blogaversary!
And what a BIG and Beautiful Candy!!
Thanks for the chance to win it.


Tanya Obukhova said...

Very nice card :)

furrypig said...

WOW! That is the most a-m-a-z-i-n-g blog candy EVER!! I was so excited to come across your blog what beautiful things thereare to see there! I have posted on my blog about yours. Thanks for the opportunity to win xxx

Kim Costello said...

What a fantastic card Jaque! I love it, such a sweet image, beautiful stamps! :) Congrats on your many hits and followers that is an amazing achievement, but your work is gorgeous so I can see why everyone wants to come and see! WOW! Thanks so much for the chance to win some wonderful goodies! Crossing my fingers to win!!! Off to link you to my side bar!
HuGs Kim :)

Loes Oorschot said...

Thanks for the chance to win this great blog candy!
The card is beautiful in every way!!

Loes xx

Lori aka Lo Lo said...

I found your fab blog through Bev's blog. I am now a follower of your sweet blog. I luv all your beautiful creations! I'm sorry but I won't be able to link your candy to my blog as I'm an SU demo and I can't promote any other products so I hope I'm still able to enter your lovely candy, but if I can't I totally understand.


Unknown said...

Happy blogaversary! Absolutely gorgeous cards. Have become a follower, thanks for the chance to win such yummy blog candy

Anonymous said...

Omgoodness me, how lovely is that prize:) I have linked from my blog:) TFS Happy days:)

Michelle said...

lovely candy put it on my blog......

Sharon said...

Wow what fab blog candy, such a generous way to celebrate.
Really enjoyed reading the story behind your card.
Have become a follower & put your candy on my sidebar.
Fingers crossed.
Sharon x

Little Pudding Nappy Cakes said...

Wow someone really needs to show me how to post a link of your blog candy on to my blog i have never seen such a stunning blog candy before someone is going to be so lucky to win this. If i ever won anything half as fab as this i would think all my Christmases have come at once. I have not had a good look at your blog as yet im just taking in the candy wow wow wow is all i can say

Mary Friederichsen said...

Just signed up as a follower! I did see your blog the other day for the Belle's N Whistles blog hop, but I don't think I remembered to become a follower, anyway....your card is Beautiful! And thank you for explaining the tradition! That is one of the things that makes the Holidays so special, is learning about other cultures traditions as well as cherishing our own!
Happy Anniversary! And thank you for offering such a generous Candy Package! Wow!!

Special thought and Blessings to you and your Father,

Mary Friederichsen

pnkgeeni said...

I can't believe I haven't found your blog before now. I am now a follower!

megline said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
megline said...

Congratulations. Your card is beautiful. I am already a follower and I add a link in my blog. Thanks for the chance to win and I hope your dad is felling better.
Hugs, Line

Anonymous said...

Hi Jacqui
Congratulatlions on your 6 month anniversary and thanks for the opportunity to win such a wondrful prize. Your work is very beautiful with such attention to detail. Well done!

Queen La Rubba said...

Absolutely LOVE your adorable card! Super Sweet! and... What a "WONDERFUL BLOG CANDY TREAT" you are giving away! There are so many YUMMY items in your candy package it's amazing!! I am a follower and you are linked! Thank you for the op to hop along your Blog and possibly win your YUMMY CANDY GIVEAWAY!

Valéria Bianco said...
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Valéria Bianco said...

Best wishes for his father and that God gives patience and care to care for him with love. Congratulations on 6 months s blog. I already have in mind to create one, but I have to stop to find how to make one. I still can compete, beautiful prizes. Congratulations also for his work, a friend pointed out your blog and found it fabulous. Kisses. Valeria / Brazil

Anne said...

Hi Jacque just found your blog Via Bev's this must be such a worrying time for you hope there's an improvement with your Dad soon will keep you both in my thoughts such a Fabulous card love the image Thankyou for putting up such a generous Candy
Anne xx said...

Love your site. I don't have a blog but have you marked on my list of visit daily sites.

Olivia said...

Love your card. Your work is awesome! Thanks for the chance to win...


Fany said...

Hello darling you,like your craft very much. I am, like you taking care of my father, not always easy, but I take joy in simple things in life,like people I love your blog and my scrapbooking. It does make things much easier, when we are well surrounded.
Fany from Québec

Jodie from Oz said...

Jacque, Prayers your father continues to heal. Congratulations on your 6 months blogarvesary. I love visiting your blog to see all your wonderful creations, it is so inspirational. Thanks for the opportunity to win such wonderful prizes! Hugs Jodie from Oz

LeanneP said...

What a beautiful card. Congratulations on
your blogaversary. Thanks for the chance to
win such wonderful candy.

Marisha said...

First, congratulations to the date of the blog!
Secondly - your father good health, God forbid him to get well!
link blog in the sidebar I am your follower.
good luck!

Sheila Jayme Tan said...

Hello! I'm a 3d animator from Singapore. Doing online card business during my free time and I was just thinking about picking up scrape book art as my new hobby. Awesome stuff.

-Sheila Jayme

Tee said...

Listed this candy on my blog..what a superb candy...I hope so much to win this..I don't own any Magnolia if I win, these will be my first babies!

Love your blog!


Катерина said...

I'm new to your blog but i think i'm going to stay)))
Great bright card,love the colors!
Happy blogoversary! and thanks for a chance to have a candy!I put it in my blog's sidebar here -

Helene said...


Your card is beautiful!!
Happy blogaversary and thanks for the chance to win this wonderful candy.



Waipahu CBDO dba Waipahu Community Coalition said...

what wonderful blog candy- I've entered your candy on my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win and I've become a follower. Take care

Smita said...

Prayers for you and the family from across the oceans (I live in India!)...

Thank you for the chance to try for this awesome candy. Congratulations and best wishes for the blog.

I am a follower and have linked your candy in my blog.


Nikki said...
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Nikki said...

Hi What a great Card You've taken alot of care in making it and it really shows
I've blogged about it Here
I'll follow you too
hugs Nikki C

Crafting Chris said...

Hi - what wonderful cards and inspiration. I will now become an avid follower. I followed the link from Bev Rochesters blog which I love, so will now have 2 blogspots for my inspiration on cardmaking. Thank you so much.

Hope your Dad continues to improve. CraftingChris

הבלוג של אלישקה said...

6 wonderful months of creativity!
you have doen a lot for so short time!

all the best fromIsrael!


debby4000 said...

Hi Jacque what an amazing candy, congratulations on your blogaversary. I'm already a follower and I've linked you candy on today's post.
Looking forward to more wonderful creations.

MicheyMoo said...

Jacque....I've just found you (came from Steph's blog) and I love you cards!! Wow!! Definitely following your talent!! My mojo just got a jolt and I have to run home from work now to play.....YAY!!

Thanks for the inspiration and for sharing your stamping joy.
Michey xxx
(I've posted your candy on my blog too. Such good news needs to be shared.)

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!! fab blog! I love your style I have joined as a follower too! and your candy is on my blog my blog

Thanks for the chance of winning your stunning candy! and happy anniversary and holidays too!
Samantha :0)

Jona Panesa said...

yummy goodies. became a follower and posted in my sidebar. hope I get lucky to win these stuff!

Linapyssel said...

Amazing work you do, I just found your blog through Bev, and it is NOT the last time I´ll visit you! You are such an inspiration. I´m happy I found you! Love your candy and I´ll be happy to enter the draw!I posted a link and picture on my blig to spread the word! Congrats to all your visitors!!!
Love Linapyssel

Einat's Art World said...

Thanks for the chance of winning your stunning candy! and happy anniversary and holidays too.

Chrissie said...

Jacque, I have just found your blog via Debby's blog and I can't believe your amazing creations! How could I have not known you were here for so long!
I've just become a follower and believe me, not just because of your gorgeous candy, I shall be visiting regularly!
Thank you for your generosity with the chance to win this. I've popped a link and photo on my sidebar.
In the immortal words of Arnie I'll be back!

PureGold said...

Wow, 6 Month and such a lot of visitors.
That'S I dreaming of.
Really cute Blog.
Thanks for the chance to win such a grat candy!
BEst regards Rebecca

paperscissors said...

you and your father are in my prayers, i lost my father this summer and know some of the emotions and challenges you must be facing.

first you gave us eye candy (your creations) and now this sweet stuff, i saw martha stewart snowman edge punch and everything else is a blur!!!!!!!!!! i had been lurking and learning as i am just getting my feet or shall i say fingers wet when it comes to stamping, but this candy has me signing up as a follower and linking your blog from mine. tfs!

Hozzan said...

Awesome cards you make!! And what a fabulous candy :) I've become a follower and I have link you up to my blog now! So all the way from a snowy Sweden I want to take the chance to win your amazing candy!

Wendy Swenne said...

First: happy blogoversary!
And what a cute things you make!

What a sweet sweet way to celebrate your blogoversary with this awesome candy!~
Thanks for a chance to win.

Anonymous said...

Just love the card and the explantion of the porridge for breakfast. I would have to give my breakfast up as I love porridge. I love your candy giveaway and would like to have a chance of winning it
best wishes craftysue. ccs

Fran said...

Oh, great candy, I am desperate for that snowflake punch :) you are in my side bar and i am now a follower, thanks for the chance to win

Canan said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary! What a great blog-candy.
You have found a new follower in me and I have linked to you and your blogcandy on my sidebar.

Chook said...

Congrats on such success after such a short time. Thanks for the chance to win such a lovely prize :)

Margot said...

Happy blogaversary! :*
Your cards are gorgeous! Thank you for yummy candy!

bestevenn said...

You make wonderful cards, I would like to be a follower of your blog.

Žwerca said...

Hello :) I am new to your blog, but I must say I love it! You make such beautiful things. You're really talented and really generous for giving away this amazing candy. I don't have my own blog, so I will just leave you my email.
Have a nice day :)
ps: I hope your father is felling better.

Deana said...

I'm so sorry to hear that your father isn't doing well. I will definitely keep him in my prayers.

Congratulations on your 6 month anniversary! Fifty-eight thousand hits.....WOW! This is an amazing candy you are giving away! I have been a follower for a while now and have announced your candy on my blog as well!


Polla said...

Congratulations on your blogaversary.

I have become a follower and linked your candy in my blog:

Ирина (ikrinka) said...

Hey Jacque! Your works very beautiful! I wish you inspiration and fine works!

Ирина (ikrinka) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Inal said...

Wow !
Beautiful blog !
I love your Candy.
My dream is win :D

nasuha ahmad helmi said...

amazing blOg! in just 6 month of blogging you got 58,000 hits and 360 followers! now i'm one of your followers! love the candy. thanks you so much for the chance to win it. have a nice day!

Maria Therese said...

what a beautiful blog!
i logged on as a follower and put a picture with link in my sidebar to your candy!!

Anonymous said...

WOW what a festive card! I love the little guy looking in the window and I love the way you extended the image out so the wall fills the panel! I’ve been out of the loop this week so sorry to hear about your Dad. I will definitely keep you and him in my prayers and thoughts.

Your blog is so awesome I’m not a blog hopper but I try to always see what you have created each week. With 380 comments already that should tell you something. Congrats on all the success with your blog!

aka tackertwosome ~ SCS

scrappinlil said...

Wow, I just love this do such fantastic work..I did become a follower and I am going to link the candy to my sidebar on my blog...TFS

Jaya Christina said...

Wow.. thats super generous. Thanks for a chance to win! :)

O'Shelli said...

Wow, what tasty Blog Candy !
Congratulations on your blogaversary!
And Thank you for the chance to win!
i become your follower and I linked your great candy on my sidebar on my blog!

Judy said...

Congratulations on your 6 month blog anniversary! Your cards are beautiful and an inspiration to me. Thanks for the chance to win some sweet blog candy!

Elli said...

Praying for your dad!

You have beautiful card. Congratulation to 6 month Blog Anniversary!
Thank you for the fab blog candy.

Greetings from Sweden.I am your 550 follower.:)

Elli said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lisa Lou said...

Wow, that's a serious amount of comments! Love your card! Fabulous candy as well. Congrats and thank you!! I'm linked and a folower.

shaz*crafts said...

WOW WOW What an amazing give away hope I win!!!! thanks for being so sooo kind with the candy.

Whimcees said...

This is a truly beautiful card! You are an amazing paper artist with color and creativity! Love the stamp!

Congratulations on your 6 month anniversary! I wish you all good things!

Barbara Diane

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! What a prize! Wow... I love it! Thanks for raking it off!


Anonymous said...

Hello Jacque!
Your Blog is absolutely fantastic and I love to look around!
Thanks for the chance to win!

Daniela from germany

Ludkasz said...

Fantastic candy:)
Thanks for the chance to win.

Erin said...

Hello there! What amazing blog candy, who ever wins will be a very lucky girl!!

Ideja said...

Awsome candy! Thank you for the chance to win it! I must say you are making beautifull cards!

Hope your dad be ok soon, I`ll keep him in my prayers.

Love Ideja

Kateryna Shchepanska said...

What a wonderful candy!!! And what an interesting blog! Thanks for inspiration you give us and chance to win. Your candy is on a sidebar of my blog

AndreaM said...

Thank you for offering such fantastic candy - all the things I love! I became a follower and have posted a link to your candy in my sidebar.

Greetings from Germany,

sonata said...

So sweet candy!!!
here is my link:

Mummylade said...

Fabulous candy. I am a follower and I've linked your candy from my sidebar.

Marcita said...

What a beautifull candy and a beautifull blog you have. Thanks for the change to win.

Franca said...

This is such a wonderful candy. I really wish you all the best for the future and I am sure, there will be much more visitors and followers.

Hugs Franca

Junieb said...

Hello!! I don't have a blog but can I still be entered? I homeschool 4 children . . . etc . . . so don't have time to keep a blog up.
Love your blog!

izunika said...

Sweet Candy.

Кукурузка said...

Пусть мне повезет! ПОЖАЛУЙСТА-А-А-А-А!!!

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