Saturday, July 26, 2014

WINNER of Art by Mi Ran Images!!!

Thank you all so much for your participation in this wonderful giveaway and for your sweet comments. 

Mr has made his selection and the winner is....

Congratulations, Mikha! I know you will just love your shopping adventure... Please leave a comment on this posting and email to me the information about how you receive digis before Monday, July 28 at 8 AM ET .

Big hugs to all!!


  1. Many congratulations to the winner :)

  2. Big congrats to Mikha being the lucky winner here, and thanks soo much for the chance first Jacque.
    Have a great sunday everyone.

  3. Olá Jacque!!
    Ficou maravilhoso. Amo o cartão que você fez. Beijo.
