Saturday, November 23, 2013


Happy, Happy Saturday to everyone!! I hope you are all having a great weekend!

Mr has several WINNERS to announce before the posting of Jacque's Sunday SWEET STUFF at midnight. So here we go....

The winners of IRIS are......

The winners of AppleCyder Jubilee are.....

Congratulations, ladies!!! Please leave a comment on this posting before Monday, November 25 at 8 AM EST so that others know that you have claimed your prize and email me your mailing information so that I can get your packages in the mail right away!!!

Hope to see everyone at midnight for Jacque's Sunday SWEET STUFF!!!! Hugs!!


  1. Whaaaaat???? Did I win something??.. I don´t remember joining in for something!!! ???
    I got to investigate this!!! :o) But .. FUN FUN FUN!!! Lucky me!! I will email you!!! :O)
    Thank you so much!!!

  2. Congratulations to the winners and thanks again Jacque.

  3. OMGoodness - I see my name as one of the winners - so excited!!! Thank you very much - what a great way to start my day! I will email you shortly. Congrats to the other winners!

  4. Wow! Thanks! I'll email you right away. Congratulations to the other winners :)

  5. Congrats to all you lucky winners of Jacque's candy. For sure it's tasty and sweet so enjoy!
