Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Winner at Jacque's Sunday SWEET STUFF!!!

Happy Day to everyone!! I hope your week is going very well and that you are enjoying each and every moment of it! I can only report that we have more RAIN and alot of flooding around our county but I am up on a hill so no worries for me....BUT I am getting quite tired of water everywhere, along with mosquitoes...eeeeek!!!
It's that time of the week to let Mr make his selection of the WINNER of this week's Jacque's Sunday SWEET here we go....
The winner is......
Congratulations, Lori! Thank you so much for showing the Sunday SWEET STUFF on your sidebar!!! Please comment on this posting so that others know you have claimed your prize and send me an email with your mailing address before Friday, August 9 at 8 AM ET.
Thanks to everyone who played along and you can be looking for another Jacque's Sunday SWEET STUFF on Saturday at midnight my time!  Hugs to ALL!!!!