Wednesday, May 29, 2013

WINNER at Jacque's Sunday SWEET STUFF!!

Happy Wednesday to everyone!!! Gosh where does the time escape to??? Not only with each day, but I just checked the calendar and GOSH!! it's almost June!!! I can't believe it!! But this time of the year is very busy with me outside in the yard with so many roses and flowers....whew!!!!
Thank you all so very much for participating in Jacque's Sunday SWEET STUFF this week and I hope to see you all again on Saturday at midnight for the next surprise!!!
The WINNER of this week's surprise is.....
Congratulations to Regena!! It looks as though no comment was left by Regena so the Gift Certificate will be saved for another surprise real soon! Regena, please leave a comment on this posting so that everyone knows you have claimed your prize and send me your mailing info before Friday, May 31, so that I can get your prize to you right away!!
Hugs to each of you!!!!


  1. wow!! that's so amazing..cant believe I actually won!! thanks so much!! hugs Regena

  2. Мои поздравления Regena!
    Жак, большое спасибо за шанс!!!
    Всем удачи!!!

  3. Congratulations Regena, please enjoy your prize when you get it.
    And thanks sooo much once again Jacque for your huge generousity always.
    Hope you´ll all have a wonderful day and lots of fun.

  4. Congratulations Regena enjoy

  5. Congrats Regena!!! WooHoo!!!!
    Hugs, Rosalee
