Sunday, February 3, 2013

Jacque's Sunday SWEET STUFF!!!!!

A very happy Sunday to everyone! As we all know, some good things must come to an end but at the very same time something else, perhaps more exciting and fun will begin!!! I will no longer be offering Sunday Sensations on my blog BUT I will be having a Jacque's Sunday SWEET STUFF each week, including a few of my favorite things. And I can only hope they may be some of your favorite things also!!! The schedule will be the same as before...The SWEET STUFF will post at midnight each Saturday night ET and will run until midnight on Tuesday, with the week's winner being named on Wednesday.

This event each weekend will be sponsored by me personally and I will not be representing any company in this endeavor. I have puchased everything that I will offer to you! It is just something that I would like to do for my FOLLOWERS as long as I possibly can and for as long as you are interested. I am requesting that you remove the Sunday Sensations logo from your sidebar and replace it with the Jacque's Sunday SWEET STUFF emblem above.

Each week I will attempt to have a nice selection for you including one stamp (Whimsy, Magnolia, WoJ, Belles & Whistles, etc), a selection of ribbons, and a selection of flowers (as long as they last...haha). From time to time I may also include some other embellishments or surprises. Those of you who have won prizes from me before know that I always include some surprises!! And as you all know, I will ship world-wide and each package will be shipped first class to the winner who will be selected by Mr

Here is this first week's selection for some lucky participant and I hope you like it!!!

This week there are 16 bunches of mulberry flowers, a selection of organza ribbon, and a Magnolia stamp.
In order to be eligible for the prize, all you need to do is leave your info with the little Blue Froggy. I would appreciate your being one of my followers and would hope that you would share the Jacque's Sunday SWEET STUFF on your sidebar, although those are not requirements for entering the draw. If you don't have a blog, just skip over the URL request and leave your information. Remember that the closing each week is on Tuesday at midnight my time (ET). Be sure to check back on Wednesdays to see if you are the lucky winner...I will not be contacting the winner because many of you do not have email addresses listed.
Good Luck, Everyone!!


  1. Thank you for the chance to win some lovely candy!!!

  2. How kind of you Jacque. I've already replaced your cute banner with the Sunday sensations. It looks good on my blog.

  3. Thanks for the chance and I have replaced the logo on my blog.
    hugs Linda

  4. Wow, how generous of you Jacque!! I love following your blog! XOX Lucy

  5. First I wan tocompliment you with your new banner he is beautyfull.
    I have already place the new banner on myn blog.

    Thenx for the chance to win this lovely box with lots of stuff

  6. Obrigada Jacque por ser tão generosa!
    Já substitui o logotipo!
    Bom domingo!
    abraços do Brasil

  7. How generous of you Jacque to offer such lovely candy. I have added your lovely logo to my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win.

  8. Hi Jacque, what a generous lady you are, am a long time follower, off to do the swap of the banners! Have a fabulous Sunday. Ruby x

  9. How lovley of you Jacque. I've now got a lovely flower banner on my blog. Thanks for a chance.
    Hugs Linda

  10. Thanks so much Jacque this is very generous of you
    Hugs julie P

  11. Awww Jacque you are so generous to sponsor this yourself now!! I have removed the old banner and added the new one to my blog :) Thanks so much for a chance to enter.
    Fiona L x

  12. How kind and generous Jacque! This will much more since it is actually a personal gift!! Thank you! Christine x

  13. Oh my!!
    Such a generous box of delicious goodies :)
    Thank you for the opportunity

  14. How generous Jacque! I'm off to change the image in my sidebar, from magnolialicious to Jacque's Sunday... Hugs!

  15. So many beautiful things!!!Thank you for the chance!!!

  16. My Goodness, you really are so generous Jacque to offer such yummy candy every week.
    The box of goodies you are offering this week look amazing!!!!
    I have changed me picture on my side bar
    I hope you have a good Sunday
    Hugs Sue

  17. Hello Jacque, I have changed the picture on my sidebar.
    Thanks for offering such lovely candy every week.
    Blessings, Elly

  18. Will put it in the sidebar right away and thanks for the chance to win this jummy sweet stuff Jacque!!

    xx Irene

  19. Thanks sooo much for your generousity Jacque, you´re so kind always. This is a wonderful prize, that anyone would just love to win, thanks again so much for the chance.

  20. Thank you Jacque!
    You're so sweet and generous.
    I'll change the logo to my blog's sidebar.
    Hope you all the best and good luck everyone;-))m

  21. Thanks for the chance Jacque!This is very generous!

  22. So sweet of you to share these beautiful flowers with us..
    Hugs, Shirley

  23. So generous of you, Jacque - this really is very kind! Thank you for sharing and the chance to win! Lisa x

  24. OH WOW!!!!
    You could dive into that box and not resurface for a whole week! LOL..

    Crafting heaven right there! Smiles..

    Jacque you are so kind hun.

    Wishing you well.

  25. You're so generous Jacque this is another gorgeous candy and thank you for the chance to win. I've popped your fab new banner into my sidebar too hun.
    Hugz, Lorraine xx

  26. Wow!! Gorgeous sweet stuff Jacque, you are so generous! Thanks for the chance to win these goodies!!
    Hugs Hazel xx

  27. it's been very generous of you to do the stuff before, and it's even more so now, when you share your stuff with us. Thank you so much!

  28. wow are so kind and generous and such an inspiration...


  29. wow - you are so generous xx ty so much for the chance to win xx

  30. What a great candy, you are so generous Jacque. Thanks for a chance to win it !
    :-) Nina

  31. Thank you so much for the chance to win these gorgeous flowers Jacque. It is so kind and generous of you to do this each week. I love the pretty new banner and will add it to my blog shortly. Have a great day, hugs Christine x

  32. Hi Jacque,

    this is so generous of you.
    I really, really love the new button for the new sweet stuff ;)!


  33. Hvor er du sød og gavmild, jeg vil meget gerne være med i opløbet om denne skønne candy, jeg har slettet det gamle logo og pyntet min sidebar med det smukke nye, så nu kan jeg bare krydse finger og håbe, jeg har forresten også en candy på højkant, måske du har lyst til at kikke ind på den. knus morkaren.

  34. Loved you banner and the candy.
    Thanks and God bless you

  35. OMG Jacque!!! You are so very generous!!!!! Thank you for all that you do! Hugs, Brigitte

  36. Goodness me Jacque, you are such a generous person! Thanks so much! Wishing you a wonderful Sunday, hugs Frea

  37. Wow, exciting things happening here!! Thanks so much for a chance to win this fabulous candy!! HUgsxx

  38. wow that a very pretty logo
    that going to look good on my blog
    thank you for giveing a chance to win your sweet stuff

  39. So I did win the last Magnolia Licious ever???
    Glad I did.
    And what a fabulous price you are offering. WOW!!!!
    One door closes and another one opens! Just like me getting without work, hoping for a better door that will open new possibilities.
    Thanks for offering again a great candy. I will post it on my blog
    Hugs Sinikka

  40. Jacque, this is beautyful, thanks for the chance.
    Hugs Aartje

  41. Gosh, Jacque that is truly generous of you. Thank you for such scrummy candy. I have duly removed the previous Sunday Sensations picture from my side-bar to be replaced by your very own Sweet Stuff one.

    Hope you have a fab week ahead & thanking you again for such kindness to your Followers.
    Tine :)

  42. Thank you for the chance to win some lovely candy,Jacque, is really so generous of you.
    hugs Dorte

  43. Thanks for the chance to win Jacque, I've replaced the old logo with the new one on my sidebar :) You're so generous!

    Tanya xx

  44. You are just to kind.. offering all of this Sweet stuff of your own... It must be very expensive..?? But WOW.. We love it.. I am home sick.. just managed to get off the sofa.. But I think I will have to go back very soon..
    Have a Great Day.. :o)

  45. Jacque, you are so sweet to continue this tradition. I am so inspired by your work. Thank you for all you do!

  46. This is so generous of you Jackie. Thank youforachance to win.

  47. Thank you for your generosity in offering your own Sweet Stuff, Jacque! I am very grateful for the chance to win! Have replaced the previous logo with your new one.

  48. Awww, Jacque, you are so kind & generous.
    I have changed the logo & have also added your sweet stuff candy in my side bar.

    Thank You for the chance of winning x

    hugs sally x

  49. Fabulous candy and so generous of you. Thanks for the chance to win xx

  50. WOW what an amazing candy and thanks for the chance of wining it, Luv Sam x

  51. This is soo generous of you and what lovely candy, I'm a long time follower of your blog and just love all you do...thank you for the chance to win...
    Denise Trottier

  52. Hallo Jacque,thanks for the chance and I have replaced the logo on my blog.
    Have a nice weekend.

  53. Olá, Jacque!
    Você é mesmo uma pessoa linda!
    Já substituí o banner. Este ficou muito bonito!

    Muito obrigada,
    Fabiana Strehlow

  54. This is so generous of you! I have replaced the logo on my blog and thank you very much for giving us a chance to win.

  55. Hi Jacque,

    thanks a lot for all the chances to win this sweet and gorgeous stuff.

    Many hugs and happy sunday

  56. WOW, you are so generous!
    I already changed the badge.
    God gives more to the people who gives... so you will receive more, God loves the people who gives with joy!!!!!!

  57. Oi Jacque!!!

    A sua generosidade é esplêndida!!! Obrigada por compartilhar esse doce maravilhoso. Que Deus te abençoe sempre!!!


  58. Thanks for the love chance and for your generosity...

    Keep wellx
    Hugs Kobie

  59. I would love to win this lovely and gorgeous candy, my stack of flowers are getting low xxxxx my fingers .
    Hugs Harma

  60. So many beautiful flowers and ribbons! Thank you for the chance to win it!
    Marianne MW

  61. How sweet and generous of you to do this. I love these flowers. Thank you for the chance! Hugs! xxxx

  62. Love you new pic and conditions a very big heart and thanks so much for the chance to win hugs xx

  63. Wow another stunning prize!!! Thank you for the opportunity to win this prize.

  64. Jacque~~God blesses those who care and share!!
    Thanks for your sweetness!!
    Love--Mary Lou

  65. Olá Jacque, obrigada por tanta generosidade.
    Maravilhoso doce.
    Um beijo, feliz e abençoada semana.

  66. Hi Jacque! I'm sure that fun will go on with you! I've already replaced the logo on my side bar. As one of your followers that have already won one prize from you I have to say that it really came with lots of surprises!!
    Thanks for being so sweet and keep on giving us the chance to win some candy!
    Higs from Spain

  67. You are a wonderful lady Jacque!! Thanks for the chance to win such an amazing gift!!
    I've already changed the logo on my blog..
    Thanks again!! Fingers crossed!!
    Hugs, TinaM

  68. Delicious candy, Jacque.. thank you so much for the chance to win it! xxx Ann Marie

  69. Wow such awesome candy, dont have a blog but have shared on my FB page, thanks for the chance to win, just love visiting your blog...
    hugz Kath...xx...

  70. Yes! Of course I like this sweet stuff. Looks great. Thanks for offering. I've replaced your new emblem on my blog.

  71. Jacque, you are so sweet to keep this going. Where would we be without your Sunday Sweet Stuff to look forward to?

    Laura C.

  72. Thank you for a chance to win great candy! Have a great day

  73. Hi Jacque,
    You are so ultra-generous!!! I just love organza ribbon...and of course beautiful flowers to use on my cards and scrapbook pages!! Sorry about the cold temps and SNOW??!! I'm sure you can find many things to do inside!! Have fun!

    Traci Starkweather

  74. Jacque this is absolutely amazing what you doing. How sweet of you. I wish we all can do something for you.
    Thank you for the chance to win your gift.
    Hugs Nataliya

  75. Thank you so much for your generosity Jacque, I have added your lovely new Logo to my blogs sidebar.

  76. Wow what an amazing candy.
    Can you fall in love with flowers?
    Cause I think I just did.
    Thanks for the chance.

  77. WOW, thanks for a chance at such an awesome and lovely give a way!!
    That is Terrific!!!
    Good luck everyone.

  78. Congratulations on your new venture. I have your button proudly displayed on my sidebar. Brilliant candy! I'm so excited. What a treasure trove. I really hope I win.

    Thanks bunches for the chance. :D

    Snoopy :D

  79. As usual my dear friend, you are the very meaning of kindness & generosity, giving solely from your heart! and your wallet I might add.....I know you don't expect it but I have replaced the 'Sunday Sensations' in my sidebar with your lovely graphics as that is the very least I can do as my part of the bargain and thank you for being so generous & most of all, you!! & as I always say, Good Luck Guys!!!! hugs Vick xx
    My YTChannels vixcrafts & saturatedcanary

  80. Thanks for a chance to win such great candy.
