Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Happy Tuesday everyone!!! And what a beautiful day it is here in the mountains...It actually feels like springtime rather than winter---but I am NOT complaining at all!!! I love it and hope there is NO MORE winter weather!!!

Thank you all so much for your sweet comments on the WOC GC posting and I wish that all of you could be a winner....But we have to let Mr Random.org make his decision.....
So the winner of the $30 GC at my favorite shop, Wild Orchid Crafts, is.....
Congratulations, Carla!! Please leave a comment on this posting and send me your information before Thursday, January 31, at Noon EST so that I can make arrangements for you to receive your gift certaificate.


  1. Congratulations Carla. I´m sure we don´t need to ask you to have fun with your prize at all, who wouldn´t? he he he.
    Thanks again for the chance Jacque. I wish it was here it was feeling like spring, but we definitely don´t doubt a second, that it still IS winter here LOL.Yesterday it was snowing bad all day and tomorrow they´re promissing a really bad storm here too, so don´t look forward to what it might share then.
    Have a great day everyone and lots of indoor fun if you´re in an area like mine.

  2. Hi Jacque! Yippee! Just got in and saw I was the lucky winner of the WOC GC!! Thank you SO MUCH!! Off to e-mail you!!

  3. Congrats Carla!
    Hugs from Spain

  4. Woot, woot! Congrats Carla sweetie!!! Happy Crafting :)

  5. hiya sweetie
    thank you so much for a chance
    carla suto congrats hunni
    have a great day to all
    hugs angelique

  6. Congratulations Carla... I am just a TINY LITTLE BIT JEALOUS!!! :O)

    ENJOY!.. :o)

  7. Yay! Congrats Carla! Have fun, so happy for you.
