Saturday, December 29, 2012


A very happy day to everyone and I hope you have all been enjoying your holiday seasons wherever you may be! Sorry I am late with these prizes but Murphy's Law seems to go into effect during the holidays...have you noticed that???I have 3 prizes to name so without further ado I have called on Mr to do his thing.....
This event is sponsored each week by Diana at the Magnolia-licious shop! There will be another Special Surprise for some lucky participant each and every Sunday right here!!

The winner of this week's Special Surprise is......
99. Jennifer Scull


The winner of the Bella Sole Gifts of Love is.......
63. Daisychain

The winner of Strawberry Dreamer is.......
57. Rhonda Miller

Congratulations, Ladies!!! Please leave a comment on this posting and send me your mailing information before Monday, December 31 at 8 AM so that your surprises can be on their way to you right away!!

Hope to see you all again very soon!! Remember that a new SUNDAY SENSATIONS from Magnolia-licious will be posted at midnight tonight!! Hugs to all!!


  1. oh my gosh, this is such a delightful way to end the year. thank you so very much! :)
    I'll send an email right away!

    I hope you had a beautiful holiday and wish you & your family a most blessed 2013! thank you again for all of your support and encouragement. it means so much! :)

  2. Oh my goodness, thank you so much. She is soo cute. I'll be emailing you soon.

    Congrats Jennifer and Daisychain!!

    Happy New Year to you!!!

  3. Congratulations to your winners! hugs, Kimberly

  4. CONGRATS to all the winners here and a very Happy New Year to you Jacque and to everybody else inhere too.
    I´m so looking forward to see all the awesome creations, you´ll have to share with us in the New year too Jacque, it can only be a wonderful trip from such a talented lady. Thanks so much for all the awesome inspiration this year and can´t wait for all we´ll get in the next year too.

  5. What a great suprise, it has made my day. I just love these beautiful stamps, thank you.

    Congratulations Jennifer and Rhonda!

    I'm off to send you an email.

    Hugs Christine x
