Monday, December 17, 2012

It's Hot Apple Cider Time!!! Winner!!

Happy Monday everyone!!! I am sorry I have been missing in action but I just cannot get into the swing of things!!! I have been so distraught by the heinous events in Newtown, CT, that I can't get motivated to do anything. As a retired teacher (although at the college level), the slaughter of those innocent children along with those who had the educational best interests of those children at heart, has me so devastated. I have been so very haunted by the loss of everything precious in a civilized society!!! I can make no sense at all out of such a senseless act!
Today I am showing a little project that I made for the October 2012 Issue of the Whimsy Stamps Inspirations Magazine which you can find right HERE. Of course I used a darling image from the Merry Christmas Whimsy Prints Collection called Two Turtle Doves. Isn't she darling!!! I used the directions for the Mini Accordion File, changing the method of closing it a little bit. The double matting is Bazzill and the DP is from Simple Stories Handmade Holiday Collection. I only added some Stardust Stickles, organza ribbon, holly leaves and red pearls and I was done. Here is a view of what the inside looks like...
You can see that I used red business envelopes for the inside and within each pocket I placed a pack of hot apple cider mix. This neat little file could be used for images, hot chocolate mix, embellies, or even a few stamps.
Thank you all so very much for the sweet and kind comments about my little cupcake boxes but we must let Mr make his selection of the winner of the Martha Stewart PATP Eyelet Lace set....And the winner is.....
Congratulations, Brigitte!! Please leave a comment on this posting and email me with your mailing info before Thursday, December 20 at 8 AM EST so that I can get your package out to you right away!!
Thank you all so very much for coming by today and I hope you will want to drop by often! Beginning tomorrow I am participating again in the New Release at Whimsy Stamps and I hope to see you around Noon time tomorrow. Have a wonderful day and please keep those who are hurting in your thoughts...May we all be reminded of the importance of compassion and love for one another!! Big hugs!!


  1. Gorgeous creation dearest Jacque:) Lovely image as always:)
    Big hug,

  2. This is beautiful Jacque, and your heartfelt comments are so true, it's impossible to get one's head around such an atrocity really.

    Tags xx

  3. This project is very beautiful!! Thanks for the link!
    According to your words!

  4. This is beautiful. I love the cute image.

    Congrats Brigitte!

  5. I love this clever gift packaging. Thank you for the inspiration.

  6. Hello Jacque, just saw this pretty little project on FB, and wanted to see more and read you, I do feel as distraught by the events in CT, as a mom, as a woman, but most of all as a human being. So here I am leaving love on your blog, cause I think love is the only "medicine" against events like this.
    I love the little image very much, wonderfully colored by your hand; love the idea of presenting tea bags or other little goodies in this pretty packaging.
    I send you a big hug, lots of love. Take care xoxo

  7. What a gorgeous and beautiful project, Jacque!
    xxx Margreet

  8. What a wonderful project Jacque. I love it. Hugs! xx

  9. This is wonderful Jacque. I love the image and such a fabulous design.
    Take care
    Hugs Sue

  10. Totally amazing once again!!!! Love your colouring and the mistletoe in the corners are beautiful!!! I can't believe I got picked!!!! Thanks for all your thoughful gestures throughout the year. Hugs, Brigite
    I will email later.

  11. WOW I love this the shape and design is gorgeous and the image is adorable. Caroline xxx

  12. hiya sweetie
    love your project sweetie
    it's terrible what happend to those children, it break's my heart for the parents who has to go true this.
    thanks for the chance sweetie, and congrats to you brigitte, enjoy it
    big hugs angelique

  13. I'm so with you, Jacque, I've cried for hours, can't seem to focus and oh my gosh, what a hard, hard time I had dropping off my 7 year old grandson at school today... I close my eyes and see what happened and knowing that in this case, imagination is far less than reality, just sends me into another sad flood of tears. This has touched the hearts of so many, and the feeling of helplessness is overwhelming. I suppose prayer is the best answer of all....
    Your creation is so wonderful!!! It's clever and darling!!!
    Have a Merry Christmas!

  14. I can only agree to all you said here, and I think, we´re all in chock all over the world, that anything this terrible could happen.
    Your creation here is absolutely gorgeous as always, but I never expected anything else from you hun. Stunning work.

  15. What a lovely project, beautiful as always
    hugs Linda

  16. Beautiful project Jacque. I'm in the UK but I feel for all those directly affected by the atrocity in Newtown. I have grandchildren and I can imagine how I would feel if they were hurt by a monstrous act such as this. God bless all the families and the community and give them strength to get through this and, hopefully, the will to lobby for tighter gun laws. Pat x

  17. No need to apologize, Jacque! We all understand, sweetie. It is such a sad and senseless act that I just do not understand. I am sending you great big hugs!!

    This is gorgeous. The design is fantastic and I love that sweet image.

  18. Dear Jacque!!! A agree with Tonya and everyone who let a message here. I saw the kids pics on FB today and I immediately I thought about their families. The kids are angels, but the worst part is a mom who loose their children. Only time will give them some confort. I´ll pray for all of them.

    Your project, as always, is absolutely amazing!!! The image is adorable and your coloring is so gorgeous!!

    Love and hugs


  19. What a stunning project, great image.

  20. as all way a other beautiful card
    thank for showing hugs

  21. This is a stunning project, Jacque - I'm off to follow your link right now! I agree totally with you about the dreadful happening in Connecticut. Some years ago here in Scotland we had the awful massacre of children and staff in their school in Dunblane. I'm struggling to understand what goes on in someone's head that makes them want to take their anger and frustrations out on the innocent, and children in particular. My heart goes out to everyone who has been affected by this terrible event. Hugs, Tracey xx

  22. It truly is such a sad and senseless tragedy. :(

    Your project is so cute, love that you can put a packet of something yummy into the envelopes. Very creative. :) hugs, Kimberly

  23. A beautiful creation and such a fab design. I am definitely thinking sachets of yummy hot chocolate mix.

  24. It has touched the hearts of so many and makes no sense to any of us. I also work in an elementary school and this event has touched me in a way that causes my heart to ache. So many, gone too soon.

  25. As a mother, I seriously cannot imagine what those Mom and Dads are going through right now especially right before Christmas. Makes me truly appreciate my little ones more and makes me hug them a little tighter. My heart and prayers go out to each and every one of those families in CT.
    Absolutely adorable creation Jacque! Love the image and the papers and what a cute little gift!! You've definitely inspired me to give this one a try. Thank you for the instructions on how to do it!
    Wishing you a beautiful, blessed Christmas and Happy New Year xx

  26. It is so horrible, and I, too, feel in limbo with sorrow over such tragedy. I don't feel that I can fully function with the dark cloud looming from such an evil act. Such precious babies, I can't imagine the heartache up there in CT; it just breaks my heart...
    Your project is very cute; love the way you so easily mix and match paper designs..

  27. Another beautiful project!!!!!!
    I love the image and the papers :)

  28. Congratulations Brigette, and thanks as always for your generosity Jacque, hugs, Vick xxx
    My YTChannels vixcrafts & saturatedcanary

  29. oh, I love this stamp with the lille bird cage. marta

  30. Oh, how awful it is ubystvo .... I'm sorry, she seated in a shock when I found out. There are bad people. And your project is wonderful!

  31. Super cute Jacqui and a very clever idea too.
    Have a Happy Christmas sweetie
    Anne x

  32. Congratulations, Brigitte!
    Your project is stunning!

  33. Compreendo o que está sentindo, todos ficamos chocados com a tragédia.
    Hoje, só nos resta rezar.

    Belíssimo seu projeto, Beijo.

  34. Love your accordion file. I'm with you I simply don't understand how anyone could do what that boy(?) young man (?) did to those innocent children and brave educators. Totally random, totally senseless,totally unfathomable.
    Sending you a hug,

  35. Gorgeous creation! What a clever idea to put one package of mix in each slot.

  36. A beautiful creation and such a fab design. Thanks for sharing.
    Congratulations Brigitte !

  37. I love your little lady and the file holder for the cider is a cute idea! I was going to give a box of cider packets as a little present to someone but maybe now I will have to rethink this and make the presentation a little more fun!
    Thanks for sharing! :)
