Sunday, November 20, 2011

SUNDAY SENSATIONS from Magnolia-licious

Happy Sunday and Welcome to SUNDAY SENSATIONS from Magnolia-licious for another opportunity to win a fabulous prize being offered by Diana at Magnolia-licious. Thank you so much for helping us to spread the word to all of your blogging and crafting friends about this marvelous surprise each Sunday! I'm sure you know that Magnolia-licious has the largest on-line selection in all of North America for Magnolia stamps...and of course is the home of MAGNOLIA MINI WORLD!!! The shop also has so many other delightful things the lovely Marianne and Memory Box dies! So jump over and check out all of the lovelies at Diana's!

The wonderful stamp that Diana is offering this week is the fun Pilot Edwin shown above!!! Isn't he a handsome one!!!! I know you would love to give him a new home!! This could be your lucky week!!!!

In order to be eligible for this wonderful prize, all you need to do to enter the drawing is leave a link to your blog below at the little BLUE FROGGY. If you don't have a blog, please leave your email address in a comment!! There are NO other requirements or rules and you do not need to be a follower or even put information on your blog about the opportunity if you don’t want to. Of course, we will always appreciate it greatly if you would help us spread the word by placing the SUNDAY SENSATIONS logo on your personal blog so that other Maggie Lovers will know about the opportunity!! Thank you!!

Remember the closing for SUNDAY SENSATIONS from Magnolia-licious is at midnight EST each Tuesday and the winner is announced on Wednesday! Please be sure to check back on Wednesday to see if you are the lucky winner of this absolutely cute little Edwin stamp!!


  1. Hello there Jacques,

    How are you?

    Great candy,what a dashing lad Edwin is in uniform hee hee!

    Take care
    Big Hugs

  2. Awe.... I so love this cute little Edwin. My son is a naval pilot and this would be a cute card for him. Thanks for a fun change to enter!

  3. What a handsome Edwin...Thanks so much for the chance to win :O) Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving! Hugs! Leah Ann

  4. What a wonderful stamp today Jacque. Not very often we see one of Edwin, and this one is really awesome. Thanks soo much forr the chance to win this,

  5. Thank you so much for the chance to win!! it's nice to see Edwin on offer this week!! Hugsxx

  6. Thanks so much for the chance at winning this handsome little lad! Donna

  7. Thank you so much for the chance to win this beautiful stamp.

    Hugs AStrid.

  8. muchas gracias por sus regalitos semanales.

  9. hiya sweetie
    thank you and diana for the chance sweetie's
    he's is so adorable, and would be perfect for my collection, LOL
    have a great weekend sweetie
    hugs angelique

  10. Hi Jacques, thank you for the chance to win the Edwin stamp!!
    I have candy too!!

    Hazel xx

  11. Another lovely stamp - is there a bad one? I don't think so.Thank you for the chance to win.Love Debbie x

  12. Oh.. This would be perfect for me!.. I would Love to win! Thank you so much for the chance.. :o)
    Have a Great Weekend!

  13. Thank you so much for the chance to win.
    Maria Luisa

  14. Jacque, oh my goodness me. What WONDERFUL news from the Oncologist. It's most probably something he's not seen before or if he has rarely but I am pleased it's happened to you. It will be such a relief. Sending you lots of celebratory cyber hugs. take care, Kym xxx

  15. Hi Jacque. He does look smart. Fab candy as always and thanks for the chance to win it.
    Tine :)

  16. Thanks Jacque for the chance to win this cute stamp.Enjoy your sunday

  17. Thanks for the chance to win Jacque!

  18. thank you for the chance to win the Edwin stamp!!
    hugs from Brazil

  19. Thanks so much for the chance to win this awesome stamp.

  20. Such an adorable stamp, thank you both for a chance to win another awesome stamp..
    Hugs, Jean

  21. thank again to have a chance to win a other stamp
    and he is a cute one
    have avery nice day

  22. Thanks for the chance to win these great stamps every week. Would love to give him a nice home with me.

    Greetings Johanna

  23. what a lovely stamp thanks for the change to winthis.
    Hugs Harma

  24. Hi Jacque,
    Thank you for another opportunity to win a gorgeous prize.

  25. Hi Jacque, I missed a few post so I read back and saw the good new; I'm sooo happy for you, that must have been an amazing moment for you!!
    I just had the result of my yearly breast check up and everything was ok, so I too had one of those sigh moments!!! Hugs, Frea

  26. What a cute stamp! This little Edwin would be lovely for happy holiday cards! I don't have any Edwin stamps so I would love to win one, thank you for the chance. Hugs, Hanneke

  27. Thanks again for the chance to win another awesome stamp!


  28. Oh I love Pilot Edwin! Every time I see
    something related to an air plane I think
    of my son...who recently started with the Air
    Force. He is going to be an Air Traffic Controller in the Air Force...and probably afterward.

    Jacque and Diana, thank you for being so generous with us! These are wonderful stamps!

    He IS Able!
    Traci S.

  29. How Cute is he thanks for the chance
    hugs Nikki

  30. Wow ... How did I not know about you before now? I've just become a follower and look forward to seeing more of your work. Thanks for the opportunity to win this gorgeous little man and I will definitely be back. Julie :D
