Monday, October 17, 2011


Happy Day to everyone!!! and Oh my goodness!!! I have been missing in action trying to get paperwork related to my Mom's death out of the way so life can go on.....AND I see that Bev Rochester has just reached the 4000+ Followers!!! CONGRATULATIONS, Bev!!!! Gosh, Bev is my most wonderful inspiration in so many ways--not only does she do absolutely beautifully breathtaking work but she is the most helpful personality in all of Cyberia!!! She has helped me on so many occasions ever since I began attempting to make cards and I will always owe her such a debt of gratitude!!! Thanks, Bev for your inspiration and for your assistance in so many ways!!!!

Bev, has this phenomenal SWEET STUFF for all of you so please go over and have a peek and try your luck at the amazingly sweet and beautiful offerings!!!! I am trying my luck at it also!!!!! Crossing my fingers, too!!!!!

And I understand this is not all of it....Swoooooon!!!!! So let's try our luck this time...I have rarely tried for candy but I am trying this!!! Nobody deserves our visits and support more than Bev!!! She is so helpful and sharing with all of us!!!! So go right HERE and let Bev know how appreciative we are of her!!!!!! Hugs to all!!! See you soon!!!


  1. I'm fun of Bev also! And is happy she got so many followers
    Good luck!

  2. Jacque, that is a wonderful achievement for Bev. So gladly deserved. Not too long before someone else reaches that 4000 status as well - another crafter who certainly deserves it!!!

    Know what you mean about paperwork/things to be sorted out after a death. My mum died four months ago today and things are still on-going. Hopefully probate will be done soon and then onto things like setting up trust funds - yikes!! Sending you some big hugs from across in the UK to keep you going. Best wishes, Kym xxx

  3. hiya sweetie
    i follow bev for a while now, and just left a message on her blog
    but for here, i want to congrats bev to
    happy birthday sweetie, have a blast today
    hugs angelique

  4. Hi Jacque, have already been over to Bev; the both of you are also my source of inspiration and I visit almost on a daily basis. But only 51 to go and you are over 4000 as well (I can only dream of this amount of followers). Hope that the paperwork will soon be over. Hugs.

  5. Couldn´t agree more. I´m already her follower as well as yours and you have both been a huge insoiration to me the last year, that´s for sure. I can see there´s one here too, that´ll soon reach that number of followers he he he. Well done girls, you certainly both desrves it for all the stunning work, you both do to help and inspitre all of us here.
    Have a wonderful day sunshine and lots of fun I hope.

  6. Hi Jacque~

    You are so sweet to be celebrating your friend's achievement! You are a friend to so many.

    Praying for your family and that includes you of course...for paperwork and things of that sort to go smoothly and quickly. And, for the sun to shine around you!

    He IS Able!
    Traci Starkweather

  7. Just had to stop by and say congratulations as I noticed that you won candy #1 over at Bev's blog! I often stop by here for a visit so I was really pleased for you that you were a winner :-)

    {{hugs}} and blessings
