Friday, October 28, 2011

Check out the Just Magnolia and hÄnglar & stÄnglar Challenge!!!

Happy Friday everyone and although it's not my week to post on the Just Magnolia and hÄnglar & stÄnglar Challenge blog I just wanted to let you know that there are some teriffic prizes up for grabs from The Ribbon Girl and from The Cutting Cafe'. The theme this week is

so come on over, have a peek at the lovely creations by the DT this week, and show us your Christmas creations. Just make sure that your project has a Magnolia or hÄnglar & stÄnglar stamp on it and only link new projects please. Also please post your entry on your blog with a DIRECT LINK back to the Just Magnolia and hÄnglar & stÄnglar Challenge blog. Make sure you have linked your project and not just your blog using the Blue Froggy before 8 pm UK Time on Thursday, November 3. Good luck, everyone!!!

Have a wonderful evening and until tomorrow, big hugs for each of you!!!!