Thursday, May 13, 2010

WINNER of Sweet Stuff!!

Happy Thursday everyone and thanks for dropping by!! I am so sorry for my tardiness in drawing this WINNER for the Magnolia Sweet Stuff but this week has been one of a couple more oopsies than yahoos!!!! But today is a new day and tomorrow is going to be MUCH better!!! I appreciate everyone who took the time to leave comments on my creation last week and thank you sincerely for the best wishes, kind words, and your thoughts!!!


SANDIE who said

Wow!! LOVE that card. So much detail and Tilda is sooooo sweet!!! Gorgeous papers too!!I will link your candy on my sidebar. Best of luck with the chemo on Monday, I will be thinking of you.

It looks as though this Sweet Stuff is on its way to Ireland!!! Sandie, please get in touch with me before Sunday, May 16, at midnight DST so that I can get this package across the big pond right away.

Tomorrow I will be announcing the winner of my Friday Sketchers Sweet Stuff on my regular FS posting so hope you will drop back by. AND I just noticed that I have hit some magic numbers in my blogging experience...over 2200 Followers AND over 200,000 hits so I think it's time for some more SWEET STUFF real soon!!! I will be putting that together for you REAL soon!!! Big hugs for everyone!!! You all make this experience such a memorable and pleasant one!! Thank you one and ALL!!


  1. Congrats Sandie. Jacque, glad to see you back and hope you are feeling better.

  2. Congrats Sandie. Enjoy your parcel. Jacque, hope you feel better real soon
    Suzanne x

  3. Congrats Sandie!
    Jacque-you have to be one of the most generous people I know!! Congrats on all those followers and hits!!

  4. Congrats Sandie!
    Jacque, keep taking care of yourself, okay? You are always i my thoughts!

  5. Congratulations Sandie on your wonderful gift!

    A BIG congratulations on your followers and hits Jacque, a testament to your wonderful creative talent.

    Sarah x

  6. Big congratulations Sandie :-)
    Wow Jacque, very impressive numbers xxx

  7. good to see you posting and sadie enjoy

  8. Congratulations Sandie on your wonderful giveaway!!!

  9. Congratulations to the lucky winner in Ireland. AND congratulations to you too with the amazing number of hits - no wonder - I love coming here and seeing your wonderful work AND reading your entries. SIncerely hope the days will be better in the week to come.

  10. Congrats Sandie...enjoy your goodies!
    I hope you are doing well with this round of chemo. Prayers always...Tammy

  11. Oh, so sorry to hear you've had a bad week hun but glad it's improving. Hope it continues to get better and you have a lovely crafty weekend! Congrats to Sandie. Big hugs hun, Jane xxx

  12. Congrats to Sandie :)
    And a big congrats on the followers and hits on your site:) You deerve it BIG time!
    Stay strong!

  13. Wow, congrats on all those followers! Your creations are amazing!! Congrats to Sandie too! ♥

  14. Congratulations Sandie. Jacque, so glad to see you back and hope you are feeling better.

  15. eeek!! I can't believe it!!! You could have knocked me over with a feather when I read my name!! Thank you so much Jacque for your generosity. I have emailed you :)

  16. Dear Jacque,

    The last few times I've visited your blog to check on candy winners, I've had to laugh - do you know that you have been offering candy so frequently, I am finding it difficult to track which winners go with which prizes! Not that I'm complaining, mind you - I just thought it was funny and would share it as it speaks to your generous heart!

    I hope the rest of your week is glitch-free and you have time to rest and catch up on family time and creative fun!


  17. Congratulations Sandie and HUGE 'Thanks' Jacque for your ever growing generosity - you're a star :)

    Carol x

  18. Jacque, I am not in the least bit surprised! You are a one in a million talent!!! We gain so much inspiration from your works of art.
    Congratulations on your blogging success!!!!!

  19. Hi hun,

    Hope this end of the week has a few more yahoos and a lot less oopsies!! Yahoo to your visitor count, and congrats to Sandie.
    Just finishing off my first card using your lovely Flowersoft candy!!

    Esme xx

  20. Congrats Sandie. WTG for reaching so many visitors to your blog.

  21. Congrats to Sandie! Hope you're feeling much better today Jacque!!


  22. congrats.hope your feeling a little better Jacque and congrats on so many followers its understandable why you have so many as your blog and talents are amazing xx

  23. Sandie will enjoy her package, I'm sure. Jacque, hope that you are feeling better. Tomorrow is a new day, as you said. I'm hoping that it's a good one for you! Can't say that all your hits and all the followers are a surprise. Your cards are gorgeous, you are courageous and extremely generous!
    Thinking of you,

  24. YAY! I'm sorry you're having an oopsie sort of week. Sounds like my week too! :( I start water therapy tomorrow so I hope it'll be a good day for me too! **Big Hugs**

  25. Congrats to the winner! Glad you are back with a positive attitude! You are such an inspiration Jacques! Hugs to YOU!!!!!
    Congrats on your Followers and your Hits!
    But I'm not surprised cause your blog rocks!!!

  26. You don't have to excuse yourself - no way! It is absolutely admirable how you deal with everything, keep this spirit up! As you write: Tommorrow will be even better. All my best wishes for you, your in my thoughts and my prayers.
    Congrats to the winner!

  27. Sorry to hear that your week had some oppsies. Here's to a brighter tomorrow!
    Beth Greco

  28. Congratulations Sandie with all the sweet stuff, please have a lot of fun with it.
    Sooo sorry to hear, that you´ve had some oooopsies Jacque, but I really hope, that you´ll soon be able to look back on this, and think about "that time" as something in the past, and that the furure will treat you just well as you deserve hun, cause nobody deserves to have these struggles, you´re dealing with, and I hope, it´ll soon be all over now.
    Have a great week-end hun and please take care.
    Biiiiig hugs Maryann

  29. Congratulations Sandie on the fabulous win!! As a recent 'sweet stuff' winner, I know how excited you are feeling - can't wait until mine gets here so I can run my fingers through it!! Jacque, no surprise on the response to your blog - of all the blogs I have visited, yours is far and away the best one out there and your creations are such scrumptious eye-candy. Wishing you a better week ahead.
    Deb xoxo

  30. Take one day at a time dear girl. YOU inspire me so much Jacque. Sending heartfelt prayers for you.
    Pam L.

  31. Congrats to the winner!!!! Another fabulous card. YOu are such an inspiration to all of us in so many ways. Your talent is out of this world. Love the color combo and bows look so perfect. Hope you have a yahoo up coming week.

  32. sorry you had a rough week and hope this week is better for you

  33. What a beautiful always. Congrats to your lucky winner as always lol.
    Prayers for you to havea better are my always. Gee do I sound like a broken record.
