Sunday, January 17, 2010

WINNER of Tilda Mailbox!!!

Thank you very much to everyone for your visits and your comments! I hope you will visit me often!! CONGRATULATIONS to the WINNER of the Dreamy Tilda Mailbox:

Julyeb of Sheffield in the UK....please contact me before Wednesday, January 20 at noon EST so that I can get this out to you right away!!!!

AND remember the Magnolia-licious Pretty in Pink Blog Hop that starts in the morning at 4AM at Magnolia-licious Highlites. I can't wait!!!!


  1. Congratulatons Julyeb! Isn't Jacque the sweetest!

  2. Congratulations Julyeb.
    How cool is that? The prize has gone to the UK.
    Hugs Marion

  3. Wow I can't believe I won will email you as soon as I find your address, hope this is a good omen for the week as my son is having surgery to try and redo fusing his ankle as it didn't work last time. Thankyou so much Julye
